0771-Jouyou-kanji “死” Stroke Order and Meanings

0771-Jouyou-kanji “死” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji "死"

Jouyou Kanji “死”

Jouyou Kanji "死" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “死” Stroke Order

Stroke # 6 Strokes
On-Yomi し(shi)
Kun-Yomi し(ぬ)(shi(nu))
Meanings Die, Death, Perish, Decease
Dead body, Corpse
Desperate, Fatal

Kanji words which contain Kanji “死”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
死因(しいん-shi i n) Cause of death
死海(しかい-shi ka i) Dead Sea
死灰(しかい-shi ka i) ① Ashes that have become cold without the fire, ② Lifeless things, As lifeless as cold ashes
死骸(しがい-shi ga i) Carcass, Corpse, Mangled corpse, Dead body
死角(しかく-shi ka ku) Blind angle, Blind area, Blind corner, Blind spot
死火山(しかざん-shi ka za n) Extinct volcano
死活(しかつ-shi ka tsu) Life or death
死期(しき-shi ki) Time of one’s death, One’s last time
死球(しきゅう-shi kyu u) Hit by a pitch
死去(しきょ-shi kyo) Death, Demise, Pass away
死苦(しく-shi ku) Inevitability of death, Death pains, Agony of death
死刑(しけい-shi ke i) Death penalty, Capital punishment
死後(しご-shi go) After one’s death, Postmortem
死語(しご-shi go) Obsolete word, Dated word, Dead language
死罪(しざい-shi za i) Capital crime, Death penalty, Capital punishment
死産(しざん-shi za n) Stillbirth
死屍(しし-shi shi) Dead body, Corpse


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