0744-Jouyou-kanji “三” Stroke Order and Meanings

0744-Jouyou-kanji “三” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji "三"

Jouyou Kanji “三”

Jouyou Kanji "三" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “三” Stroke Order

Stroke # 3 Strokes
On-Yomi さん(san)
Kun-Yomi み(mi)
Meanings Three, Third
Three times
Often, Again and again, Many times

Kanji words which contain Kanji “三”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
三味線(しゃみせん-sha mi se n) Shamisen, Three-stringed Japanese lute
三角州(さんかくす-sa n ka ku su) Delta
三寒四温(さんかんしおん-sa n ka n shi o n) Alternation of three cold and four warm days
三脚(さんきゃく-sa n kya ku) Tripod
三傑(さんけつ-sa n ke tsu) Three great people
三権(さんけん-sa n ke n) The three powers of government
三原色(さんげんしょく-sa n ge n sho ku) Three primary colors
三光(さんこう-sa n ko u) The Sun, the Moon and the stars
三叉路(さんさろ-sa n sa ro) Three-way junction
三重唱(さんじゅうしょう-sa n ju u sho u) Vocal trio
三悪道(さんあくどう-sa n a ku do u) The world of hungry spirits, the world of animals and the world of hell
三椏(みつまた-mi tsu ma ta) Paper bush


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