0727-Jouyou-kanji “索” Stroke Order and Meanings

0727-Jouyou-kanji “索” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji "索"

Jouyou Kanji “索”

Jouyou Kanji "索" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “索” Stroke Order

Stroke # 10 Strokes
On-Yomi さく(saku)
Kun-Yomi つな(tsuna)
Meanings Rope, Make a rope
Run out, Be exhausted
Seek, Search, Look for
Demand, Request
Apart, Leave, Be isolated

Kanji words which contain Kanji “索”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
索引(さくいん-sa ku i n) Index (of a book), Pulling out a thing from many other things
索具(さくぐ-sa ku gu) Rigging, Cordage, Gear
索然(さくぜん-sa ku ze n) Dry, Desolate, Dull, Uninteresting, Boring
索敵(さくてき-sa ku te ki) Searching for enemy
索莫 or 索漠(さくばく-sa ku ba ku) Dreary, Bleak, Desolate
思索(しさく-shi sa ku) Contemplation, Meditation, Speculation
詮索(せんさく-se n sa ku) Snooping, Detail investigation, Scrutiny
捜索(そうさく-so u sa ku) Search, Investigation
探索(たんさく-ta n sa ku) Search, Hunting, Exploration
鉄索(てっさく-te ssa ku) Wire rope, Steel cable
模索(もさく-mo sa ku) Groping
朽索(きゅうさく-kyu u sa ku) Rotten rope
検索(けんさく-ke n sa ku) Retrieval, Search, Finding the necessary information from documents, cards, data, etc


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