0690-Jouyou-kanji “鎖” Stroke Order and Meanings

0690-Jouyou-kanji “鎖” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji "鎖"

Jouyou Kanji “鎖”

Jouyou Kanji "鎖" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “鎖” Stroke Order

Stroke # 18 Strokes
On-Yomi さ(sa)
Kun-Yomi くさり(kusari)
Meanings Chain
Tie, Be linked, Be connected
Shut, Close

Kanji words which contain Kanji “鎖”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
鎖港(さこう-sa ko u) Closure of ports, Prohibiting foreign ships from entering ports and trading
鎖国(さこく-sa ko ku) National isolation, Closure of the country, Isolation from other nations
鎖骨(さこつ-sa ko tsu) Clavicle
鉄鎖(てっさ-te ssa) Iron chain, Tight bondage
封鎖(ふうさ-fu u sa) Blockade
閉鎖(へいさ-he i sa) Closing, Closure
連鎖(れんさ-re n sa) Linkage, Chain, Things which is connected like a chain
鎖糸(くさりいと-ku sa ri i to) Chain of yarn
鎖帷子(くさりかたびら-ku sa ri ka ta bi ra) Chain armor
鎖鎌(くさりがま-ku sa ri ga ma) Sickle and chain, Kusarigama
枷鎖(かさ-ka sa) Cangue and chain
鎖車(くさりぐるま-ku sa ri gu ru ma) Sprocket wheel, Chain gear, Chain sprocket


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