0564-Jouyou-kanji “孤” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Orphan” or “Loneliness” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “孤”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “孤” means “Being alone”, “Solitude” or “Loneliness” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "孤"

Jouyou Kanji “孤”

Jouyou Kanji "孤" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “孤” Stroke Order

Stroke # 9 Strokes
On-Yomi こ(ko)
Kun-Yomi みなしご(minashigo)
Meanings Orphan
Loneliness, Solitude

Kanji words which contain Kanji “孤”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
孤雲(こうん-ko u n) Solitary cloud
孤影(こえい-ko e i) Lonely figure, Sad and lonely
孤介(こかい-ko ka i) Being biased and not in harmony with others
孤客(こかく or こきゃく-ko ka ku) Lone traveler, Lone guest
孤軍(こぐん-ko gu n) Isolated force, Forlorn force
孤剣(こけん-ko ke n) ① Sole sword, ② Don’t have other weapons, just a sword
孤高(ここう-ko ko u) Superiority, Aloofness, Being lonely and aloof, Proudly independent, Being alone with ideal thought
孤児(こじ-ko ji) Orphan, Foundling
孤児院(こじいん-ko ji i n) Orphanage
孤舟(こしゅう-ko shu u) Solitary boat
孤城落日(こじょうらくじつ-ko jo u ra ku ji tsu) Feeling lone and helpless, Helplessness of those in reduced circumstances
孤村(こそん-ko so n) Quite isolated village, Solitary village
孤島(ことう-ko to u) Isolated island, Solitary island
孤独(こどく-ko do ku) Loneliness, Solitude
孤帆(こはん-ko ha n) Solitary sailboat
孤立(こりつ-ko ri tsu) Isolation, Helplessness
孤立語(こりつご-ko ri tsu go) Isolated word, Isolated language
孤立無援(こりつむえん-ko ri tsu mu e n) Being alone and unaided, Isolated and no aid, Fighting alone and unassisted
孤塁(こるい-ko ru i) Isolated outpost, Isolated fort
幼孤(ようこ-yo u ko) Toddlers without parents, Orphaned toddler


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