0560-Jouyou-kanji “呼” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Call” or “Shout” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “呼”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “呼” means “Breath”, “Shout” or “Summon” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "呼"

Jouyou Kanji “呼”

Jouyou Kanji "呼" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “呼” Stroke Order

Stroke # 8 Strokes
On-Yomi こ(ko)
Kun-Yomi よ(ぶ)(yo(bu))
Meanings Call, Call to a person, Shout
Name(give name to a person)
Sigh, Long breath

Kanji words which contain Kanji “呼”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
呼応(こおう-ko u o u) ① Response, Hailing each other, ② Acting in concert, Responding (to), Sympathizing (with)
呼気(こき-ko ki) Exhaled air, Exhalation, Expiration
呼吸(こきゅう-ko kyu u) Breathing, Respiration
呼吸器(こきゅうき-ko kyu u ki) Respiratory, Respiratory organ
呼号(こごう-ko go u) Crying out, Proclaiming, Shouting
呼集(こしゅう-ko shu u) Gather the people by calling (yelling), Muster
呼び掛け(よびかけ-yo bi ka ke) Call, Asking to do things
呼び子(よびこ-yo bi ko) Whistle
呼び声(よびごえ-yo bi go e) Call, Hail, Yell
呼び捨て(よびすて-yo bi su te) Use somebody’s name without an honorific title
呼び出し(よびだし-yo bi da shi) Call, Summons, Paging, Curtain call
呼び名(よびな-yo bi na) Common name, Popular name (Name which is commonly used for calling the person)
呼び水(よびみず-yo bi mi zu) Pump priming, Priming water
呼び鈴(よびりん-yo bi ri n) Bell, Call bell ringer, Doorbell
呼ぶ子鳥 or 呼子鳥 or 喚子鳥(よぶこどり-yo bu ko do ri) Calling bird (esp. cuckoo)
嗚呼(ああ-a a) ① Ah!, Oh, Alas!, ② Yes, Indeed, That is correct
歓呼(かんこ-ka n ko) Cheer, Shout for joy, Acclamation, Jubilation
叫呼(きょうこ-kyo u ko) Yell, Scream, To shout loudly
号呼(ごうこ-go u ko) Yell, Scream, To shout loudly
指呼(しこ-shi ko) ① Point and recite, ② Close range
称呼(しょうこ-sho u ko) Appellation, Designation, Name, Form of address, Title of respect, Title
点呼(てんこ-te n ko) Roll call, Muster


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