Japanese Jouyou-kanji “権” means “Plot”, “Weighing scale” or “Right (to do something)” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
権威(けんい-ke n i) |
Authority, power, Influence, Prestige |
権益(けんえき-ke n e ki) |
Rights and interests, Rights and the associated benefits |
権限(けんげん-ke n ge n) |
Power, Authority, Jurisdiction, Scope of rights that can be used publicly, Authorized power |
権衡(けんこう-ke n ko u) |
① Weighing machine, Scale, ② Equilibrium, ③ Balance |
権臣(けんしん-ke n shi n) |
Influential vassal, Powerful retainer, Powerful courtier |
権勢(けんせい-ke n se i) |
To take power and build influence, Authority and associated influencing power |
権能(けんのう-ke n no u) |
Power and authority, Ability to claim and execute rights, Competence |
権柄(けんぺい-ke n pe i) |
Authority, Power, Trying to hold people down with authority |
権謀(けんぼう-ke n bo u) |
Conspiracy, Scheme, Stratagem, Poly |
権謀術数(けんぼうじゅっすう-ke n bo u ju ssu u) |
Scheming, Trickery, Wiles |
権門(けんもん-ke n mo n) |
Powerful family, Powerful family and relatives with Social Privilege |
権利(けんり-ke n ri) |
Authorized right |
権利金(けんりきん-ke n ri ki n) |
Premium, Key money |
権力(けんりょく-ke n ryo ku) |
Authority, Power |
権化(ごんげ-go n ge) |
Incarnation, Avatar, Appearing of Buddha or Bodhisattva as something visible figures |
権現(ごんげん-go n ge n) |
① Incarnation, Avatar, Embodiment, Buddha or Bodhisattva change their appearance and appearing as a Shinto god, ② Gods of old era |
棄権(きけん-ki ke n) |
Abstention (from voting), Renunciation, Withdrawal |
債権(さいけん-sa i ke n) |
Credit, Claim |
参政権(さんせいけん-sa n se i ke n) |
Suffrage, Franchise, Right to vote |
執権(しっけん-shi kke n) |
Shikken, Regent to the shogunate |
実権(じっけん-ji kke n) |
Real power |
親権(しんけん-shi n ke n) |
Parental authority, Parental rights, Custody |
人権(じんけん-ji n ke n) |
Human rights |
政権(せいけん-se i ke n) |
Political power, Government, Administration, Administrative power |
全権(ぜんけん-ze n ke n) |
Full power, Plenipotentiary powers, Full authority |
特権(とっけん-to kke n) |
Privilege, Prerogative |
覇権(はけん-ha ke n) |
Hegemony, Supremacy, Domination, Mastery |
分権(ぶんけん-bu n ke n) |
Decentralization of authority |
利権(りけん-ri ke n) |
Concession, Rights and interests |