0533-Jouyou-kanji “献” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Dedicate” or “Give over” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “献”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “献” means “Offering”, “Cupful” or “Offer Sake (alcohol)” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "献"

Jouyou Kanji “献”

Jouyou Kanji "献" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “献” Stroke Order

Stroke # 13 Strokes
On-Yomi けん(ken)
Kun-Yomi たてまつ(る)(tatematsu(ru))
Meanings Offer, Give, Look up (to God or superior)
Tell, say (to superior)
Offer Sake (alcohol) to guests

Kanji words which contain Kanji “献”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
献詠(けんえい-ke n e i) Poem offering
献金(けんきん-ke n ki n) Donation, Contribution, Offering, Giving money to be used for a certain purpose
献言(けんげん-ke n ge n) Offering opinion to superior, Offer one’s opinion
献策(けんさく-ke n sa ku) Make a suggestion to superior, To state strategies, plans, etc to superior
献酬(けんしゅう-ke n shu u) Exchange of sake cups
献上(けんじょう-ke n jo u) To present a thing to a superior
献身(けんしん-ke n shi n) Dedication, Devotion
献替(けんたい or けんてい-ke n ta i (or) ke n te i) To assist the lord and encourage good and admonish evil
献呈(けんてい-ke n te i) Give things to superiors, Dedication, Presentation
献燈 or 献灯(けんとう-ke n to u) Votive lantern in a shrine or temple, Offering a votive lantern to a shrine or temple
献納(けんのう-ke n no u) Contribution, To donate things to temple, shrine, national or public organizations
献杯(けんぱい-ke n pa i) Offering a drink, Toast
献木(けんぼく-ke n bo ku) Donating lumber to a shrine
献本(けんぽん-ke n po n) Complimentary copy of a book
献立(こんだて-ko n da te) Meal plan, Types and order of dishes served on the table
一献(いっこん-i kko n) Cup of sake
貢献(こうけん-ko u ke n) Contribution, Services, Tribute
文献(ぶんけん-bu n ke n) Literature, Documents
奉献(ほうけん-ho u ke n) Dedication, Consecration, Oblation


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