“Dedicate” or “Give over” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “献”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “献” means “Offering”, “Cupful” or “Offer Sake (alcohol)” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “献”

Jouyou Kanji “献” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
13 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
けん(ken) |
こん(kon) |
Kun-Yomi |
たてまつ(る)(tatematsu(ru)) |
ささ(げる)(sasa(geru)) |
まつ(る)(matsu(ru)) |
Meanings |
Offer, Give, Look up (to God or superior) |
Tell, say (to superior) |
Offer Sake (alcohol) to guests |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “献”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
献詠(けんえい-ke n e i) |
Poem offering |
献金(けんきん-ke n ki n) |
Donation, Contribution, Offering, Giving money to be used for a certain purpose |
献言(けんげん-ke n ge n) |
Offering opinion to superior, Offer one’s opinion |
献策(けんさく-ke n sa ku) |
Make a suggestion to superior, To state strategies, plans, etc to superior |
献酬(けんしゅう-ke n shu u) |
Exchange of sake cups |
献上(けんじょう-ke n jo u) |
To present a thing to a superior |
献身(けんしん-ke n shi n) |
Dedication, Devotion |
献替(けんたい or けんてい-ke n ta i (or) ke n te i) |
To assist the lord and encourage good and admonish evil |
献呈(けんてい-ke n te i) |
Give things to superiors, Dedication, Presentation |
献燈 or 献灯(けんとう-ke n to u) |
Votive lantern in a shrine or temple, Offering a votive lantern to a shrine or temple |
献納(けんのう-ke n no u) |
Contribution, To donate things to temple, shrine, national or public organizations |
献杯(けんぱい-ke n pa i) |
Offering a drink, Toast |
献木(けんぼく-ke n bo ku) |
Donating lumber to a shrine |
献本(けんぽん-ke n po n) |
Complimentary copy of a book |
献立(こんだて-ko n da te) |
Meal plan, Types and order of dishes served on the table |
一献(いっこん-i kko n) |
Cup of sake |
貢献(こうけん-ko u ke n) |
Contribution, Services, Tribute |
文献(ぶんけん-bu n ke n) |
Literature, Documents |
奉献(ほうけん-ho u ke n) |
Dedication, Consecration, Oblation |