0527-Jouyou-kanji “健” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Healthy” or “Robust” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “健”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “健” means “Strong”, “Mighty” or “Greatly” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "健"

Jouyou Kanji “健”

Jouyou Kanji "健" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “健” Stroke Order

Stroke # 11 Strokes
On-Yomi けん(ken)
Kun-Yomi すこ(やか)(suko(yaka))
Meanings Healthy, Solid
Strong, Mighty
Very, Greatly, Badly

Kanji words which contain Kanji “健”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
健気(けなげ-ke na ge) Heroic, Admirable, Praiseworthy, Lovable
健胃剤(けんいざい-ke n i za i) Stomachic, Stomach medicine
健脚(けんきゃく-ke n kya ku) Good walker, Pedestrian
健康(けんこう-ke n ko u) Health, Wellness, Well-being, Fitness
健康診断(けんこうしんだん-ke n ko u shi n da n) Physical examination, Health examination, Medical examination
健在(けんざい-ke n za i) Be well, Be in good health
健児(けんじ-ke n ji) Stalwart youth, Healthy child
健勝(けんしょう-ke n sho u) Good health
健全(けんぜん-ke n ze n) Healthy, Sound, Wholesome, Sane
健啖(けんたん-ke n ta n) Gluttony, Voracity
健啖家(けんたんか-ke n ta n ka) Hearty eater, Good eater, Glutton
健投(けんとう-ke n to u) Good pitching
健闘(けんとう-ke n to u) Good fight, Vigorous effort, Strenuous efforts, Good luck (in match, race etc)
健筆(けんぴつ-ke n pi tsu) Powerful pen, Facile pen
健忘(けんぼう-ke n bo u) Forgetfulness, Amnesia
頑健(がんけん-ga n ke n) Sturdy, Stalwart, Hardy, Stout, Robustness
強健(きょうけん-kyo u ke n) Sturdy, Stalwart, Hardy, Stout
剛健(ごうけん-go u ke n) Vigor, Virility, Sturdiness
壮健(そうけん-so u ke n) Healthy, Robust
保健(ほけん-ho ke n) ① Preservation of health, Hygiene, Sanitation, ② Health education (school subject)
雄健(ゆうけん-yu u ke n) Magnificence, Vigorous


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