0525-Jouyou-kanji “拳” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Fist” or “Grip” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “拳”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “拳” means “Respect” or “Clenched fist” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "拳"

Jouyou Kanji “拳”

Jouyou Kanji "拳" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “拳” Stroke Order

Stroke # 10 Strokes
On-Yomi けん(ken)
Kun-Yomi こぶし(kobushi)
Meanings Fist, Clenched fist
Martial art which fighting with fists
(Name of game which uses fingers and fists)

Kanji words which contain Kanji “拳”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
拳々(けんけん-ke n ke n) Respectfully, Faithfully, Seriously, Reverently
拳々服膺(けんけんふくよう-ke n ke n fu ku yo u) Firmly bear in mind, Have something engraved on one’s mind (heart)
拳固(げんこ-ge n ko) ① Fist, Clenched fist, ② Quintet, Fivesome
拳骨(げんこつ-ge n ko tsu) Fist, Knuckles
拳銃(けんじゅう-ke n ju u) Handgun, Pistol
拳大(けんだい or こぶしだい-ke n da i (or) ko bu shi da i) Fist-sized
拳玉(けんだま-ke n da ma) Kendama, Japanese bilboquet
拳闘(けんとう-ke n to u) Boxing
拳法(けんぽう-ke n po u) Chinese martial art
拳螺(さざえ-sa za e) Turban shell
強拳(きょうけん-kyo u ke n) Strong punch
空拳(くうけん-ku u ke n) Empty hand, With bare hands, With (or from) nothing
鉄拳(てっけん-te kke n) Iron fist, Clenched fists
徒手空拳(としゅくうけん-to shu ku u ke n) Bare hands, Empty hand, Penniless, Without any help, Without capital


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