0510-Jouyou-kanji “結” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Bind” or “Tie up” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “結”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “結” means “Knot”, “Conclusion” or “Final stage” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "結"

Jouyou Kanji “結”

Jouyou Kanji "結" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “結” Stroke Order

Stroke # 12 Strokes
On-Yomi けつ(ketsu)
Kun-Yomi むす(ぶ)(musu(bu))
Meanings Bind, Link, Connect, Bundle, Tie up, Combine, Unite, Gather, Collect
Form, Organize, Compose
Fruition, Bear fruit
End, Conclusion

Kanji words which contain Kanji “結”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
結縁(けつえん-ke tsu e n) Making a connection
結縁(けちえん-ke tsu e n) Making a connection with Buddha, Connecting to Buddhism
結果(けっか-ke kka) Result, Consequence, Outcome
結果論(けっかろん-ke kka ro n) Hindsight-based opinion, Afterthought, Being wise after the event
結核(けっかく-ke kka ku) Tuberculosis
結跏趺坐(けっかふざ-ke kka fu za) Lotus position (meditation and yoga posture), Sitting with legs crossed and feet placed on opposing thighs
結願(けつがん or けちがん-ke tsu ga n (or) ke chi ga n) Expiration of term of a vow
結球(けっきゅう-ke kkyu u) Head (of cabbage or lettuce, etc), Forming a head, Coming to a head
結局(けっきょく-ke kkyo ku) In the end, After all, Eventually
結句(けっく-ke kku) ① Last line of a poem, ② Finally, After all
結語(けつご-ke tsu go) Epilogue, Conclusion
結構(けっこう-ke kko u) ① Splendid, Very well, Great, ② Sufficient, Satisfactory, Enough, Fine, OK, Not needing (any more of something), Already having enough, Fine (as in “I’m fine”), No thank you, ③ Rather, Quite, Fairly, Pretty, Surprisingly, Quite a bit, Fairly well, ④ Structure of building, Construction, Framework, Architecture
結合(けつごう-ke tsu go u) Combining, Uniting, Bonding, Union, Joinin, Linking, Coupling
結婚(けっこん-ke kko n) Marriage
結紮(けっさつ-ke ssa tsu) Ligation, Ligature
結実(けつじつ-ke tsu ji tsu) Yield results, Fruitage, Fruition, Seed setting
結社(けっしゃ-ke ssha) Association, Society, An organization formed by several people for a common purpose
結集(けっしゅう-ke sshu u) Gathering together, Collecting scattered things together
結晶(けっしょう-ke ssho u) Crystal
結縄(けつじょう-ke tsu jo u) Knotted cord, Knotted rope
結審(けっしん-ke sshi n) Conclusion of trial
結成(けっせい-ke sse i) Organization, Formation
結石(けっせき-ke sse ki) Calculus (concretion of minerals formed inside the body), Concrement,Concretion
結節(けっせつ-ke sse tsu) Knot, Node, Nodule, Tubercule
結束(けっそく-ke sso ku) Binding, Union, Tying bundling
結滞(けったい-ke tta i) Arrhythmia, Intermittent pulse
結託(けったく-ke tta ku) ① Unite and helping each other, ② Collusion, Conspiracy, Confederacy
結団(けつだん-ke tsu da n) Forming into an organization, Forming into an organization, Setting up a group
結着 or (けっちゃく-ke ccha ku) Conclusion, End, Settlement
結締組織(けっていそしき-ke tte i so shi ki) Connective tissue, CT
結党(けっとう-ke tto u) Founding of a party
結納(けつのう-ke tsu no u) Helping each other by vowing to one’s heart, Vowing to help each other
結納(ゆいのう-yu i no u) Engagement gift, (Ceremonial) exchange of engagement gifts
結髪(けつばつ-ke tsu ba tsu) Hairdressing, Hairdo
結尾(けつび-ke tsu bi) End, Close, Conclusion
結氷(けっぴょう-ke ppyo u) Freezing, Ice formation
結文(けつぶん-ke tsu bu n) Epilogue
結膜(けつまく-ke tsu ma ku) Conjunctiva
結末(けつまつ-ke tsu ma tsu) Ending, End result
結盟(けつめい-ke tsu me i) Confederate, Concluding an alliance, Making a pledge
結了(けつりょう-ke tsu ryo u) Finish, End, Close, Conclusion, Termination
結論(けつろん-ke tsu ro n) Conclusion
凝結(ぎょうけつ-gyo u ke tsu) Coagulation, Congealment, Congelation, congealing, Setting, Condensation
団結(だんけつ-da n ke tsu) Unity, Union, Solidarity, Combination, Banding together, Teaming up
締結(ていけつ-te i ke tsu) Conclusion, Cerclage, Fastening
連結(れんけつ-re n ke tsu) Concatenation, Nexus, Link, Connection, Joining, Coupling, Attaching, Junction, Consolidation


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