0506-Jouyou-kanji “欠” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Lack” or “Deficiency” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “欠”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “欠” means “Be chipped”, “Yawning” or “Non-attendance” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "欠"

Jouyou Kanji “欠”

Jouyou Kanji "欠" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “欠” Stroke Order

Stroke # 4 Strokes
On-Yomi けつ(ketsu)
Kun-Yomi か(く)(ka(ku))
Meanings Lack, Break, Be chipped
Defect, Fault, Shortage
Vacancies of posts and positions

Kanji words which contain Kanji “欠”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
欠伸(あくび-a ku bi) Yawn
欠員(けついん-ke tsu i n) Vacant position, Vacancy
欠課(けっか-ke kka) Cutting class, Absence from school
欠格(けっかく-ke kka ku) Disqualification
欠陥(けっかん-ke kka n) Defect, Fault, Deficiency, Imperfection
欠勤(けっきん-ke kki n) Absence
欠航(けっこう-ke kko u) Cancellation of flights, Cancellation of a sailing
欠講(けっこう-ke kko u) Cancellation of lecture, Cancellation of class
欠如(けつじょ-ke tsu jo) Lack, Shortage, Absence, Deficiency
欠場(けつじょう-ke tsu jo u) Do not take part, Fail to appear, Absence
欠食(けっしょく-ke ssho ku) Missing a meal, Undernourished
欠席(けっせき-ke sse ki) Absence, Nonattendance
欠席裁判(けっせきさいばん-ke sse ki sa i ba n) Judgment by default, Trial in absentia
欠損(けっそん-ke sso n) ① Deficit, Shortage, Loss, ② Being partially broken, Being partially missing, Being partially removed
欠点(けってん-ke tte n) Disadvantage, Drawback, Fault, Defect
欠番(けつばん-ke tsu ba n) Missing number, Vacant number
欠乏(けつぼう-ke tsu bo u) Lack, Deficiency, Shortage, Insufficiency
欠本(けっぽん-ke ppo n) Missing volume, Wanting volume
欠礼(けつれい-ke tsu re i) Failure to pay one’s compliments, Omission of courtesy
欠漏(けつろう-ke tsu ro u) Omission, Leakage from a defect part
完全無欠(かんぜんむけつ-ka n ze n mu ke tsu) Absolute perfection, Flawless
出欠(しゅっけつ-shu kke tsu) (Checking of) Attendance, Attendance or absence
補欠(ほけつ-ho ke tsu) Filling a vacancy, Alternate, Substitute


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