0498-Jouyou-kanji “芸” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Art” or “Performance” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “芸”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “芸” means “Trick”, “Craft” or “Artistic skill” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "芸"

Jouyou Kanji “芸”

Jouyou Kanji "芸" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “芸” Stroke Order

Stroke # 7 Strokes
On-Yomi げい(gei)
Kun-Yomi わざ(waza)
Meanings Performance, Trick(martial art etc), Talent
Gardening, Cultivation, Plant, Grow, Raise
Cut grasses, Mowing the grasses

Kanji words which contain Kanji “芸”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
芸妓(げいぎ-ge i gi) Geisha, A woman who welcomes guests by adding excitement to the banquet with dances, songs and sounds
芸事(げいごと-ge i go to) Things related to entertainment such as kin, shamisen, and dance
芸者(げいしゃ-ge i sha) Geisha, Professional female entertainer at traditional banquets of Japan
芸術(げいじゅつ-ge i ju tsu) Art
芸術家(げいじゅつか-ge i ju tsu ka) Artist
芸術至上主義(げいじゅつしじょうしゅぎ-ge i ju tsu shi jo u shu gi) Art for art’s sake
芸当(げいとう-ge i to u) Trick, Risky attempt, Feat, Stunt, Performance
芸道(げいどう-ge i do u) Japanese traditional performing arts and other arts that systematize technology and spirituality
芸人(げいにん-ge i ni n) Entertainer, Artiste, Comedian, Performer, Talented person
芸能(げいのう-ge i no u) Entertainment, Public entertainment, Performing arts
芸能界(げいのうかい-ge i no u ka i) Entertainment world, Entertainment industry, Show business, Show biz
芸は身を助ける(げいはみをたすける-ge i wa mi wo ta su ke ru) Art brings bread
芸風(げいふう-ge i fu u) Performing style, Acting style
芸文(げいぶん-ge i bu n) ① Art and literature, ② Studing and technique
芸名(げいめい-ge i me i) Stage name
芸林(げいりん-ge i ri n) Artistic and literary circles
園芸(えんげい-e n ge i) Gardening, Horticulture
演芸(えんげい-e n ge i) Performance, Entertainment
学芸(がくげい-ga ku ge i) Arts and sciences, Liberal arts
技芸(ぎげい-gi ge i) Arts and crafts, Craftsmanship, Craft, Workmanship
曲芸(きょくげい-kyo ku ge i) Acrobatics, Stunt, Acrobatics
工芸(こうげい-ko u ge i) Technical art, Craftwork, Technology, Industrial arts
手芸(しゅげい-shu ge i) Handcraft, Manual arts
多芸(たげい-ta ge i) Versatile, All‐round
農芸(のうげい-no u ge i) Agriculture and horticulture, Farming and gardening
武芸(ぶげい-bu ge i) Martial arts, Military arts
文芸(ぶんげい-bu n ge i) Literary art, Art and literature, Liberal arts
無芸(むげい-mu ge i) Lacking talent, Lacking accomplishments, Unaccomplished


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