“Wisdom” or “Enlightenment” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “恵”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “恵” means “Clever”, “Alms” or “Grace” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “恵”

Jouyou Kanji “恵” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
10 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
けい(kei) |
え(e) |
Kun-Yomi |
めぐ(む)(megu(mu)) |
Meanings |
Give things in charity |
Favor, Kindness, Alms, Grace |
Clever, Smart, Wise |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “恵”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
恵方(えほう-e ho u) |
Favorable direction, Lucky direction |
恵方巻(えほうまき-e ho u ma ki) |
Ehomaki(thick roll sushi with lots of ingredients, uncut sushi roll eaten during setsubun for good luck) |
恵愛(けいあい-ke i a i) |
A strong positive emotion of regard and affection, Pure love |
恵雨(けいう-ke i u) |
Welcome rain, Rain which fall in drought time |
恵音(けいおん-ke i o n) |
① Gentle sounds, Peaceful sounds, ② Word used to show respect for someone else’s letter, News of Grace |
恵賜(けいし-ke i shi) |
Subsidization, Grant |
恵政(けいせい-ke i se i) |
Benevolent politics, Graceful politics |
恵贈(けいぞう-ke i zo u) |
Presenting (a gift etc), Giving, Bestowing |
恵存(けいぞん-ke i zo n) |
(Message appended to a note accompanying a gift, Requesting the recipient to keep the gift at hand) |
恵沢(けいたく-ke i ta ku) |
To receive benefits, Grace and benefits |
恵投(けいとう-ke i to u) |
Presenting (a gift etc), Giving, Bestowing |
恵与(けいよ-ke i yo) |
Giving money or other items out of compassion |
愛恵(あいけい-ke i a i) |
Mercy and Grace |
恩恵(おんけい-o n ke i) |
Grace of god, Grace, Favor, Blessing, Benefit |
慈恵(じけい-ji ke i) |
Mercy and love, Compassion |
仁恵(じんけい-ji n ke i) |
Graciousness, Mercy |
知恵(ちえ-chi e) |
Wisdom |