0473-Jouyou-kanji “径” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Path” or “Lane” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “径”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “径” means “Diameter”, “Road” or “Journey” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "径"

Jouyou Kanji “径”

Jouyou Kanji "径" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “径” Stroke Order

Stroke # 8 Strokes
On-Yomi けい(kei)
Kun-Yomi こみち(komichi)
Meanings Path, Lane, Short way
Straight, Across, Diameter
Immediately, Instantly, At once

Kanji words which contain Kanji “径”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
径行(けいこう-ke i ko u) Going right ahead, Act as he think, Acts as one’s heart dictates
径庭(けいてい-ke i te i) Great difference, Variance
径路(けいろ-ke i ro) Course, Route, Path
山径(さんけい-sa n ke i) Mountain trail, Narrow path in a mountain
小径(しょうけい-sho u ke i) Narrow path
直径(ちょっけい-cho kke i) Diameter
半径(はんけい-ha n ke i) Radius
口径(こうけい-ko u ke i) Diameter of a tubular structure, Aperture, Caliber, Bore
捷径(しょうけい-sho u ke i) ① Shortcut, Cutoff, Crosscut, ② Expedient
邪径(じゃけい-ja ke i) Side road, Detour, Derailment, Digression, Branch road, Deviation, Bypass
苔径(たいけい-ta i ke i) Old narrow path, Narrow missing path


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