0471-Jouyou-kanji “形” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Shape” or “Form” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “形”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “形” means “Appearance”, “Figure” or “Image” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "形"

Jouyou Kanji “形”

Jouyou Kanji "形" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “形” Stroke Order

Stroke # 7 Strokes
On-Yomi けい(kei)
Kun-Yomi かたち(katachi)
Meanings Shape, Form, Figure, Pose
Pattern, Mold, Style
Come out, Appear

Kanji words which contain Kanji “形”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
形見(かたみ-ka ta mi) Keepsake, Memento
形見分け(かたみわけ-ka ta mi wa ke) Distribution of mementoes of a deceased person
形相(ぎょうそう-gyo u so u) Look (esp. an angry or upset look), Expression
形相(けいそう-ke i so u) Form, Appearance, Outward or visible aspect of a person or thing, Visual aspect, Appearance, Look, Aspect
形影(けいえい-ke i e i) Form and its shadow, Things inseparable
形影相弔う(けいえいあいとむらう-ke i e i a i to mu ra u) A lonely state with no one to visit and no one to keep me company
形骸(けいがい-ke i ga i) Soulless body, Framework (of a building, etc), Skeleton, Remains, Ruin, Wreck
形骸化(けいがいか-ke i ga i ka) Becoming into just empty shell, Becoming a mere shell, Ruined
形而下(けいじか-ke i ji ka) Things that appear in shape, Physical, Material
形而上(けいじじょう-ke i ji jo u) Things you can’t know from your physical feeling, Metaphysical
形而上学(けいじじょうがく-ke i ji jo u ga ku) Metaphysics
形式(けいしき-ke i shi ki) Form, Format, Type, Administrative procedures, Formality
形式主義(けいしきしゅぎ-ke i shi ki shu gi) Formalism
形質(けいしつ-ke i shi tsu) Character, Plasm, Trait, Characteristic, Form and nature
形象(けいしょう-ke i sho u) Shape, Figure, Image
形勝 or 景勝(けいしょう-ke i sho u) Beauty spot, Vantage ground, Picturesque scenery, Place of scenic beauty, Advantageous position, Strategic location
形状(けいじょう-ke i jo u) Shape, Form, Figure, Configuration
形成(けいせい-kei se i) Formation, Molding, Making (up), Taking form, Giving form to
形声(けいせい-ke i se i) Phono-semantic character, Kanji consisting of a semantic and a phonetic element
形声文字(けいせいもじ-ke i se i mo ji) Semasio-phonetic character (combining semantic and phonetic components)
形勢(けいせい-ke i se i) Situation, Condition, Prospects, State of affairs (things)
形跡(けいせき-ke i se ki) Traces, Marks, Signs, Evidence
形体(けいたい-ke i ta i) Form, Shape, Figure, Feature
形容(けいよう-ke i yo u) Description, Modification, Figurative expression, Figure of speech, Metaphor
形容詞(けいようし-ke i yo u shi) Adjective
形容動詞(けいようどうし-ke i yo u do u shi) Adjective verb
円形(えんけい-e n ke i) Round shape, Circle, Circular form
外形(がいけい-ga i ke i) External form, Appearance
奇形(きけい-ki ke i) ① Malformation, Deformity, ② Strange shape, Unusual shape
球形(きゅうけい-kyu u ke i) Spherical shape, Globular shape
矩形(くけい-ku ke i) Quadrate, Rectangle
固形(こけい-ko ke i) Solid state, Solidness, Solid
象形(しょうけい-sho u ke i) Hieroglyphics, Type of character representing pictures
図形(ずけい-zu ke i) Graphic, Graphic form, Diagram, Figure, Graphic symbol
整形(せいけい-se i ke i) ① Orthopedics, Plastic surgery, Cosmetic surgery, ② Smoothing (bursty traffic, etc), Shaping, Fairing
定形(ていけい-te i ke i) Regular shape, Typical form, Fixed form
人形(にんぎょう-ni n gyo u) Doll, Puppet, Marionette
方形(ほうけい-ho u ke i) Rectangle, Quadrate, Square
無形(むけい-mu ke i) Formless, Immaterial, Intangible, Incorporeal, Abstract, Moral, Spiritual, Impalpability, Intangibility


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