Japanese Jouyou-kanji “群” means “Swarm”, “Bunch” or “Numerous” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
群起(ぐんき-gu n ki) |
① To occur many things at once, ② To do somethings at a time by many people |
群議(ぐんぎ-gu n gi) |
Discussion of an assembly, Multitude of opinions |
群居(ぐんきょ-gu n kyo) |
Living in group, Gregariousness |
群衆(ぐんしゅう-gu n shu u) |
crowd, Many people, (used for people but not for animals) |
群集(ぐんしゅう-gu n shu u) |
Crowd (use for anything) |
群小(ぐんしょう-gu n sho u) |
① Many small things, ② Many useless things, Many useless people |
群臣(ぐんしん-gu n shi n) |
Large number of one’s retainers |
群生(ぐんせい-gu n se i) |
Gregariousness, Living gregariously (of animals), Growing in mass in one location (of plants), Living in flocks, herds, colonies, etc |
群青(ぐんせい or ぐんじょう-gu n n se i (or) gu n jo u) |
Ultramarine blue |
群棲(ぐんせい-gu n se i) |
Gregarious life, Many animals live together in one place |
群盗(ぐんとう-gu n to u) |
Group of robbers, Group thief |
群盲(ぐんもう-gu n mo u) |
① Group of blind people, ② Many idiot people |
群雄(ぐんゆう-gu n yu u) |
Many rival leaders, Many rival chiefs |
群雄割拠(ぐんゆうかっきょ-gu n yu u ka kkyo) |
Rivalry between warlords, Rival barons in their several strongholds, Lions in their several dens |
群落(ぐんらく-gu n ra ku) |
Many communities (villages), Cluster of plants |
群を抜く(ぐんをぬく-gu n wo nu ku) |
To surpass the rest (e.g. of a large group), To stand out from the crowd, To be the best by far |
大群(たいぐん-ta i gu n) |
Large crowd, Large herd, Large flock, Large school, Large shoal, Large swarm, Horde |
抜群(ばつぐん-ba tsu gu n) |
Pre‐eminent, Distinguished, Conspicuous, Outstanding |
流星群(りゅうせいぐん-ryu u se gu n) |
Meteor stream, Meteor swarm, Meteor shower |