0463-Jouyou-kanji “訓” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Teach” or “Admonish” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “訓”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “訓” means “Precept”, “Admonition” or “Literal interpretation” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "訓"

Jouyou Kanji “訓”

Jouyou Kanji "訓" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “訓” Stroke Order

Stroke # 10 Strokes
On-Yomi くん(kun)
Kun-Yomi おし(える)(oshi(eru))
Meanings Teach, Admonish, Remonstrate, Persuade
Precept, Doctrine, Admonition
Interpret, Read and explain
(Japanese words against Kanji characters; 訓読み(Kun-yomi) means Japanese reading)

Kanji words which contain Kanji “訓”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
訓育(くんいく-ku n i ku) Discipline, Education, Character building
訓化(くんか-ku n ka) Giving guidance, Explaining, Teaching, Instructing
訓戒(くんかい-ku n ka i) Admonition, Exhortation, Teaching and showing the rationale and right and wrong of things
訓義(くんぎ-ku n gi) Reading and meaning of a kanji
訓言(くんげん-ku n ge n) Words of admonition, Precept, Admonition
訓詁(くんこ-ku n ko) Interpretation, Exegesis
訓告(くんこく-ku n ko ku) Admonition, Reprimand
訓示(くんじ-ku n ji) Directive instruction, Instructive speech from superior to inferior for doing things
訓辞(くんじ-ku n ji) Admonitory speech
訓点(くんてん-ku n te n) Guiding marks for rendering Chinese into Japanese
訓電(くんでん-ku n de n) Telegraphic instructions
訓導(くんどう-ku n do u) ① Instruction, Guidance, Tutelage, ② Licensed teacher (at an elementary school)
訓読(くんどく-ku n do ku) Japanese reading of a Chinese character
訓蒙(くんもう-ku n mo u) Instruction of children, Teaching the people who don’t know the things, Education
訓諭(くんゆ-ku n yu) Teaching and correcting, Caution, Admonition, Warning
訓令(くんれい-ku n re i) Guidance orders given by higher government offices to lower government offices, Directive, Instructions
訓練(くんれん-ku n re n) Training, Practice, Exercise, Drill
訓話(くんわ-ku n wa) Admonitory lecture, Moral discourse, Instructive talk
音訓(おんくん-o n ku n) The original Chinese and the native Japanese readings of a Chinese character, Kanji readings
家訓(かくん-ka ku n) Family precepts, Rule of the home, Family mottoes
教訓(きょうくん-kyo u ku n) Lesson, Precept, Teachings, Moral
厳訓(げんくん-ge n ku n) Strict instruction
聖訓(せいくん-se i ku n) Teachings of a sage
庭訓(ていくん or ていきん-te i ku n (or) te i ki n) Home education
内訓(ないくん-na i ku n) Private instruction, Secret orders


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