0458-Jouyou-kanji “掘” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Dig” or “Excavate” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “掘”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “掘” means “Cave”, “Dig out” or “Stand out” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "掘"

Jouyou Kanji “掘”

Jouyou Kanji "掘" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “掘” Stroke Order

Stroke # 11 Strokes
On-Yomi くつ(kutsu)
Kun-Yomi ほ(る)(ho(ru))
Meanings Dig, Excavate, Delve, Make a hole
Hole, Cave
Surpass, Stand out

Kanji words which contain Kanji “掘”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
掘削(くっさく-ku ssa ku) Drilling, Excavation, Digging
掘進(くっしん-ku sshi n) Digging and going ahead in the ground, Driving, Advancing
堀穿(くっせん-ku sse n) Digging a hole in the ground
掘っ立て小屋(ほったてごや-ho tta te go ya) Shack, Hut, Shanty, Hovel
掘り出し物(ほりだしもの-ho ri da shi mo no) Rare item which one has gotten unexpectedly, Bargain, (Lucky) find, Good buy, Treasure trove
掘り抜き井戸(ほりぬきいど-ho ri nu ki i do) Artesian well, Tapped well, Tube well, Driven well
掘り割り(ほりわり-ho ri wa ri) Ditch, Canal, Waterway
内堀(うちぼり-u chi bo ri) Inner moat, Moat within the castle walls
採掘(さいくつ-sa i ku tsu) Mining, Digging, Working a mine
外堀(そとぼり-so to bo ri) Outer moat of a castle
釣り堀(つりぼり-tsu ri bo ri) Fishing pond, Fishpond
発掘(はっくつ-ha kku tsu) ① Excavation, Exhumation, Digging up, Unearthing, ② Discovery (of a new fact, talent, etc), Finding, Unearthing
発掘調査(はっくつちょうさ-ha kku tsu cho u sa) Archaeological excavation, Excavational investigation


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