0453-Jouyou-kanji “偶” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Happen to” or “By chance” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “偶”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “偶” means “Puppet”, “Buddy” or “Even number” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "偶"

Jouyou Kanji “偶”

Jouyou Kanji "偶" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “偶” Stroke Order

Stroke # 11 Strokes
On-Yomi ぐう(guu)
Kun-Yomi たまたま(tamatama)
Meanings A kind, A sort
Fellow, Buddy, Company, Husband, Wife
Happen to, By chance, Unexpectedly
Doll, Puppet, Figure
Even number
Meet, Encounter

Kanji words which contain Kanji “偶”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
偶感(ぐうかん-gu u ka n) Random thoughts, Miscellaneous thoughts
偶吟(ぐうぎん-gu u gi n) Impromptu poem
偶語(ぐうご-gu u go) Conversation, Face to face talking
偶座(ぐうざ-gu u za) Face to face sitting
偶作(ぐうさく-gu u sa ku) ① Something accidentally accomplished, ② Create something together by two people
偶人(ぐうじん-gu u ji n) Puppet, Doll, Marionette
偶数(ぐうすう-gu u su u) Even number
偶成(ぐうせい-gu u se i) Impromptu, Accidentally created work, Accidental creation
偶然(ぐうぜん-gu u ze n) By accident, Unexpected, Accidental
偶像(ぐうぞう-gu u zo u) Idol, Icon, Image, Statue
偶像崇拝(ぐうぞうすうはい-gu u zo u su u ha i) Idolatry, Idol worship, Iconolatry
偶像破壊(ぐうぞうはかい-gu u zo u ha ka i) Iconoclasm, Image breaking
偶蹄類(ぐうているい-gu u te i ru i) Even‐toed ungulate, Artiodactyl
偶発(ぐうはつ-gu u ha tsu) Accidental, Incidental, Sudden outbreak
対偶(たいぐう-ta i gu u) ① Contraposition, Antithesis, ② Pair, Couple
木偶(でく or もくぐう-de ku (or) mo ku gu u) ① Wooden doll, Wooden figure, Puppet, ② Blockhead, Good-for-nothing, Fool
土偶(どぐう-do gu u) Earthen figure, Clay figure, Clay figurines
配偶(はいぐう-ha i gu u) ① Combination, ② Spouse, Husband or wife, Partner, ③ Married couple, Husband and wife
配偶者(はいぐうしゃ-ha i gu u sha) One’s mate, One’s spouse, Partner, Spouse, Wife, Husband
匹偶(ひつぐう-hi tsu gu u) ① Pair, Couple (husband and wife), ② Friend, Comrade


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