0452-Jouyou-kanji “空” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Sky” or “Vacancy” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “空”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “空” means “Emptiness”, “Air” or “Falsehood” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "空"

Jouyou Kanji “空”

Jouyou Kanji "空" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “空” Stroke Order

Stroke # 8 Strokes
On-Yomi くう(kuu)
Kun-Yomi そら(sora)
Meanings Sky
Futile, Empty, In vain, No purpose
Vast, Wide
Vacant, Hollow, Cavity, Blank
Hole, Opening
Gap, Crevice, Opening space, Chink

Kanji words which contain Kanji “空”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
空巣(あきす-a ki su) ① Empty nest, ② Sneak thief, Burglar
空地(あきち-ka ki chi) Open area, Open land space
空家(あきや-a ki ya) Vacant house, Unoccupied house
空蝉(うつせみ-u tsu se mi) ① Cast-off skin of a cicada, ② One’s present existence, This mortal frame, This world, This life, Temporal things
空揚げ or 唐揚げ(からあげ-ka ra a ge) Fried chicken, Deep fried food, Deep-frying food lightly coated in flour or starch
空威張り(からいばり-ka ra i ba ri) Bluff, Bluster, Trying to show power without any real power
空籤(からくじ-ka ra ku ji) Blank (ticket), Unsuccessful lottery ticket
空景気(からげいき-ka ra ge i ki) False prosperity, Superficial prosperity, Borrowed boom
空元気(からげんき-ka ra ge n ki) To pretend to be energetic only on the surface, Pretending one is fine, Mere bravado
空茶(からちゃ-ka ra cha) Tea served without sweets
空っ風(からっかぜ-ka ra kka ze) Dry wind (without rain or snow)
空梅雨(からつゆ-ka ra tsu yu) Dry rainy season
空手(からて-ka ra te) Karate (One of Japanese martial art)
空手形(からてがた-ka ra te ga ta) ① Fictitious bill, Dishonoured bill, Bad check, ② Empty promise
空振り(からぶり-ka ra bu ri) ① Swing and a miss, ② (Punching and) failing to make contact, ③ (Ending in) failure, Fruitless effort, Vain attempt
空回り(からまわり-ka ra ma wa ri) Idling, Fruitless effort
空位(くうい-ku u i) Vacant post
空間(くうかん-ku u ka n) Space, Vacuity, Void, Room
空閑地(くうかんち-ku u ka n chi) Vacant lot, Vacant land
空気(くうき-ku u ki) ① Air, Atmosphere, ② Mood, Situation, ③ Someone who doesn’t stand out at all
空気銃(くうきじゅう-ku u ki ju u) Air gun, Air pistols
空虚(くうきょ-ku u kyo) ① Emptiness, Hollowness, Vacancy, Void, ② Inanity, Pointlessness, Meaninglessness
空々(くうくう-ku u ku u) ① All existence in the universe is empty, and the principle of emptiness itself is empty, ② Empty mind, Vacant mind, Void minded, Absent-minded
空軍(くうぐん-ku u gu n) Air force
空閨(くうけい-ku u ke i) Lonely spouseless bedroom, Bedroom of a neglected spouse
空隙(くうげき-ku u ge ki) Cavity, Void, Porosity, Gap, Lacuna
空拳(くうけん-ku u ke n) Empty hand, Bare hands
空言(くうげん or そらごと-ku u ge n (or) so ra go o) Falsehood, Lie, Meaninglessness, Nonsensicality, Bunk, Nonsense, Hokum
空港(くうこう-ku u ko u) Airport, Aerial port
空谷(くうこく-ku u ko ku) Lonely or uninhabited valley
空際(くうさい-ku u sa i) Horizon, Point where the sky meets the earth
空山(くうざん-ku u za n) Deserted lonely mountain
空室(くうしつ-ku u shi tsu) Vacant room, Vacancy, Unoccupied room, Empty room
空車(くうしゃ or あきぐるま-ku u sha (or) a ki gu ru ma) Empty car, Free (taxi), Empty conveyance
空襲(くうしゅう-ku u shu u) Air raid, Airstrike, Air attack
空所(くうしょ-ku u sho) Void space, Cavity, Void, Dead space, Blank, Gap, Dead space
空席(くうせき-ku u se ki) Vacant seat, Vacancy, Open seat
空説(くうせつ-ku u se tsu) Groundless rumor, Groundless story
空前(くうぜん-ku u ze n) Unprecedented, Record-breaking, Unheard-of
空前絶後(くうぜんぜつご-ku u ze n ze tsu go) The first and probably the last…
空疎(くうそ-ku u so) Empty (e.g. argument), Insubstantial, Hollow, Fruitless, Vacuous
空想(くうそう-ku u so u) Daydream, Fantasy, Fancy, Vision
空即是色(くうそくぜしき-ku u so ku ze shi ki) Emptiness is form, Illusion of the reality of matter
空中(くうちゅう-ku u chu u) Sky, Air, Mid-air
空中楼閣(くうちゅうろうかく-ku u chu u ro u ka ku) Castle in the air, Mirage, Imaginary
空転(くうてん-ku u te n) ① Idle running, Wheel slip, Idling, ② Going in circles (of an argument, discussion, etc), Spinning one’s wheels, Going nowhere
空洞(くうどう-ku u do u) Cave, Cavity, Hollow
空白(くうはく-ku u ha ku) ① Blank space (in a document), Whitespace, ② Blank, Void, Gap, Vacuum
空漠(くうばく-ku u ba ku) ① Vast, Boundless, ② Vague
空爆(くうばく-ku u ba ku) Air raid, Aerial bombing
空費(くうひ-ku u hi) Waste, Wastefulness, Dissipation
空腹(くうふく-ku u fu ku) Hunger, Starvation
空文(くうぶん-ku u bu n) Dead letter, Empty statement, Dead law, Null statement, Dummy statement
空母(くうぼ-ku u bo) Aircraft carrier, Flat top
空砲(くうほう-ku u ho u) Blank shot, Firing a blank, Empty gun, Gun loaded with blanks
空乏(くうぼう-ku u bo u) Depletion, Destitution, Want, Scarcity, Dearth
空名(くうめい-ku u me i) False reputation, Empty name, Empty Title, Nominal title, Vain title
空明(くうめい-ku u me i) ① Moon’s reflection in the clear water, ② Nothing to hide, Nothing to reveal
空輸(くうゆ-ku u yu) Air transportation, Airlift
空欄(くうらん-ku u ra n) Blank column, Blank space
空理(くうり-ku u ri) Empty theory, Impracticable theory, Mere theory
空冷(くうれい-ku u re i) Air cooling
空路(くうろ-ku u ro) ① Air route, Air lane, ② By air, By plane
空論(くうろん-ku u ro n) Impractical theory, Doctrinarianism, Ideology
空合い(そらあい-so ra a i) Atmospheric condition, Weather, Weather condition
空色(そらいろ-so ra i ro) Sky-blue, Azure, Sapphire, Cerulean, Lazuline
空頼み(そらだのみ-so ra da no mi) Vain hope, Hoping against hope
空泣き(そらなき-so ra na ki) Dry sobs, False tears, Crocodile tears, Feigned sadness
空涙(そらなみだ-so ta na mi da) False cry, False tears, Crocodile tears
空似(そらに-so ra ni) Accidental resemblance
空音(そらね-so ra ne) Imitated cry (of an animal), Falsehood, Lie
空念仏(そらねんぶつ or からねんぶつ-so ra ne n bu tsu (or) ka ra ne n bu tsu) Empty words
空耳(そらみみ-so ra mi mi) ① Pretending not to hear, ② Mishearing, Mondegreen
空模様(そらもよう-so ra mo yo u) Look of the sky, Atmospheric condition, Weather condition
架空(かくう-ka ku u) ① Fictitious, Imaginary, Fanciful, Fabricated, ② Aerial, Overhead
虚空(こくう-ko ku u) Empty air, Empty space, Void
真空(しんくう-shi n ku u) Vacuum, Absolute void, Complete vacuity
天空(てんくう-te n ku u) ① Sky, ② Heavens, Empyrean, Firmament, Celestial sphere, Vault of heaven, Welkin


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