Japanese Jouyou-kanji “禁” means “Taboo”, “Imprison” or “Imperial palace” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
禁圧(きんあつ-ki n a tsu) |
Suppression, Prohibition, Ban, Forcing not to do |
禁煙(きんえん-ki n e n) |
Prohibition of smoking, Abstaining from smoking, Quitting smoking |
禁煙室(きんえんしつ-ki n e n shi tsu) |
Non-smoking room |
禁忌(きんき-ki n ki) |
Contraindications, Taboo, (Religious) Prohibition, (Religious) Forbiddance |
禁句(きんく-ki n ku) |
Forbidden phrase, Taboo word, Taboo phrase |
禁固 or 禁錮(きんこ-ki n ko) |
Imprisonment, Confinement, Incarceration |
禁札(きんさつ-ki n sa tsu) |
Signboard bearing a prohibition notice |
禁止(きんし-ki n shi) |
Prohibition, Inhibition, Ban |
禁色(きんじき-ki n ji ki) |
Forbidden colors, Restrictions on the use of colors by ranks of Heian-era courtiers |
禁治産(きんじさん or きんちさん-ki n ji sa n (or) ki n chi sa n) |
Interdiction of the management of one’s property, Incompetency |
禁酒(きんしゅ-ki n shu) |
Temperance, Abstinence, Prohibition for drinking alcohol |
禁書(きんしょ-ki n sho) |
Forbidden book, Prohibited literature, Banned book |
禁制(きんせい-ki n se i) |
Forbidden, Prohibition, Ban, Embargo |
禁足(きんそく-ki n so ku) |
Confinement, Don’t allowed to go out |
禁断(きんだん-ki n da n) |
Prohibition, Interdiction, Forbidden |
禁断症状(きんだんしょうじょう-ki n da n sho u jo u) |
Withdrawal symptoms, Abstinence syndrome |
禁断の木の実(きんだんのこのみ-ki n da n no ko no mi) |
Forbidden fruit |
禁中(きんちゅう-ki n chu u) |
Court, Imperial Palace |
禁鳥(きんちょう-ki n cho u) |
Protected bird, Legally protected bird |
禁廷(きんてい-ki n te i) |
① Imperial Palace, ② Emperor |
禁転(きんてん-ki n te n) |
Non-negotiable |
禁物(きんもつ-ki n mo tsu) |
① A forbidden thing, A prohibited thing, ② A thing abstained from, ③ An injurious thing |
禁門(きんもん-ki n mo n) |
① Gate of Imperial Palace, Imperial Palace, ② A heavily guarded gate that is difficult to enter or exit |
禁欲(きんよく-ki n yo ku) |
Sexual abstinence, Asceticism, Continence |
禁裏(きんり-ki n ri) |
Imperial Palace, Imperial Court |
禁猟(きんりょう-ki n ryo u) |
Prohibition of hunting |
禁漁(きんりょう-ki n ryo u) |
Prohibition of fishing |
禁令(きんれい-ki n re i) |
Prohibition, Ban, Embargo, Proscription |
解禁(かいきん-ka i ki n) |
Lifting a ban, Raising an embargo, Removal of a ban, Opening a season (hunting or fishing etc) |
監禁(かんきん-ka n ki n) |
Imprisonment, Confinement |
厳禁(げんきん-ge n ki n) |
Strict prohibition |
発禁(はっきん-ha kki n) |
Prohibition of sale, Ban on sale |