0438-Jouyou-kanji “禁” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Ban” or “Prohibition” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “禁”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “禁” means “Taboo”, “Imprison” or “Imperial palace” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "禁"

Jouyou Kanji “禁”

Jouyou Kanji "禁" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “禁” Stroke Order

Stroke # 13 Strokes
On-Yomi きん(kin)
Kun-Yomi とど(める)(todo(meru))
Meanings Ban, Prohibit, Stop, Forbid
Taboo, Dislike, Detest
Imprison, Confine, Prison, Jail
Imperial palace, Place where normal people are not allowed
Charm, Incantation
Admonition, Regulation
Endure, Bear

Kanji words which contain Kanji “禁”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
禁圧(きんあつ-ki n a tsu) Suppression, Prohibition, Ban, Forcing not to do
禁煙(きんえん-ki n e n) Prohibition of smoking, Abstaining from smoking, Quitting smoking
禁煙室(きんえんしつ-ki n e n shi tsu) Non-smoking room
禁忌(きんき-ki n ki) Contraindications, Taboo, (Religious) Prohibition, (Religious) Forbiddance
禁句(きんく-ki n ku) Forbidden phrase, Taboo word, Taboo phrase
禁固 or 禁錮(きんこ-ki n ko) Imprisonment, Confinement, Incarceration
禁札(きんさつ-ki n sa tsu) Signboard bearing a prohibition notice
禁止(きんし-ki n shi) Prohibition, Inhibition, Ban
禁色(きんじき-ki n ji ki) Forbidden colors, Restrictions on the use of colors by ranks of Heian-era courtiers
禁治産(きんじさん or きんちさん-ki n ji sa n (or) ki n chi sa n) Interdiction of the management of one’s property, Incompetency
禁酒(きんしゅ-ki n shu) Temperance, Abstinence, Prohibition for drinking alcohol
禁書(きんしょ-ki n sho) Forbidden book, Prohibited literature, Banned book
禁制(きんせい-ki n se i) Forbidden, Prohibition, Ban, Embargo
禁足(きんそく-ki n so ku) Confinement, Don’t allowed to go out
禁断(きんだん-ki n da n) Prohibition, Interdiction, Forbidden
禁断症状(きんだんしょうじょう-ki n da n sho u jo u) Withdrawal symptoms, Abstinence syndrome
禁断の木の実(きんだんのこのみ-ki n da n no ko no mi) Forbidden fruit
禁中(きんちゅう-ki n chu u) Court, Imperial Palace
禁鳥(きんちょう-ki n cho u) Protected bird, Legally protected bird
禁廷(きんてい-ki n te i) ① Imperial Palace, ② Emperor
禁転(きんてん-ki n te n) Non-negotiable
禁物(きんもつ-ki n mo tsu) ① A forbidden thing, A prohibited thing, ② A thing abstained from, ③ An injurious thing
禁門(きんもん-ki n mo n) ① Gate of Imperial Palace, Imperial Palace, ② A heavily guarded gate that is difficult to enter or exit
禁欲(きんよく-ki n yo ku) Sexual abstinence, Asceticism, Continence
禁裏(きんり-ki n ri) Imperial Palace, Imperial Court
禁猟(きんりょう-ki n ryo u) Prohibition of hunting
禁漁(きんりょう-ki n ryo u) Prohibition of fishing
禁令(きんれい-ki n re i) Prohibition, Ban, Embargo, Proscription
解禁(かいきん-ka i ki n) Lifting a ban, Raising an embargo, Removal of a ban, Opening a season (hunting or fishing etc)
監禁(かんきん-ka n ki n) Imprisonment, Confinement
厳禁(げんきん-ge n ki n) Strict prohibition
発禁(はっきん-ha kki n) Prohibition of sale, Ban on sale


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