0431-Jouyou-kanji “近” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Near” or “Close” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “近”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “近” means “Recently”, “Lately” or “Get close” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "近"

Jouyou Kanji “近”

Jouyou Kanji "近" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “近” Stroke Order

Stroke # 7 Strokes
On-Yomi きん(kin)
Kun-Yomi ちか(い)(chika(i))
Meanings Close, Near
Recently, Lately
Approach, Get close
Close relative

Kanji words which contain Kanji “近”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
近因(きんいん-ki n i n) Immediate cause, Proximate cause, Close cause
近詠(きんえい-ki n e i) Recent poem
近影(きんえい-ki n e i) Recent photograph, Recent picture, Latest photograph, Recently drawn portrait
近火(きんか-ki n ka) Fire in the neighborhood
近海(きんかい-ki n ka i) Coastal waters, Adjacent seas
近海漁業(きんかいぎょぎょう-ki n ka i gyo gyo u) Inshore fishery, Coastal fisheries
近海物(きんかいもの-ki n ka i mo no) Inshore fish, Inshore catch, Inshore fish
近刊(きんかん-ki n ka n) ① Recently published book, ② Forthcoming publication
近眼(きんがん-ki n ga n) Myopia, Shortsightedness
近畿(きんき-ki n ki) Kinki area
近況(きんきょう-ki n kyo u) Recent situation, Current state, Recent state, Present state
近業(きんぎょう-ki n gyo u) Recent work, Recent works or achievements
近々(きんきん-ki n ki n) Soon, Shortly, In near future
近景(きんけい-ki n ke i) ① short‐range view, Close View, ② Scenery seen in the foreground in paintings or photographs
近県(きんけん-ki n ke n) Neighboring prefectures, Nearby prefectures
近古(きんこ-ki n ko) Early modern age
近郊(きんこう-ki n ko u) Suburbs, Suburban area, Outskirts, Vicinity
近郷(きんごう-ki n go u) Neighboring districts, Countryside
近国(きんこく-ki n ko ku) ① Neighboring country, ② Provinces close to Kyoto (under ritsuryō system)
近在(きんざい-ki n za i) Neighboring villages, Suburban districts
近作(きんさく-ki n sa ku) Recent work
近視(きんし-ki n shi) Myopia, Shortsightedness, Nearsightedness
近視眼(きんしがん-ki n shi ga n) Myopia
近似(きんじ-ki n ji) Approximation
近似値(きんじち-ki n ji chi) Approximate value, Approximation
近侍(きんじ-ki n ji) Attendant, Attendance upon another
近時(きんじ-ki n ji) Recently
近日(きんじつ-ki n ji tsu) Soon, In a few days, Shortly
近日点(きんじつてん-ki n ji tsu te n) Perihelion
近習(きんじゅう-ki n ju u) Attendant
近所(きんじょ-ki n jo) Vicinity, Neighborhood
近所合壁(きんじょがっぺき-ki n jo ga ppe ki) Immediate neighborhood
近称(きんしょう-ki n sho u) Proximal pronoun, Proximity
近状 or 近情(きんじょう-ki n jo u) Recent situation, Recent conditions
近臣(きんしん-ki n shi n) Attendant, Vassal
近信(きんしん-ki n shi n) Letter recently received, Information recently received
近親(きんしん-ki n shi n) Close relative, Near relation
近世(きんせい-ki n se i) Modern times, Recent times, Recent past, Early modern period
近接(きんせつ-ki n se tsu) ① Proximity, Nearness, Being nearby, Being adjacent, ② Approaching, Drawing near, Coming close
近村(きんそん-ki n so n) Neighboring village
近代(きんだい-ki n da i) ① Present day, Modern times, Recent times, ② Early modern period
近代劇(きんだいげき-ki n da i ge ki) Modern drama, Modern theater
近代五種競技(きんだいごしゅきょうぎ-ki n da i go shu kyo u gi) Modern pentathlon
近代的(きんだいてき-ki n da i te ki) Modern
近着(きんちゃく-ki n cha ku) Recent arrival, Newly arrived
近著(きんちょ-ki n cho) Recent work
近東(きんとう-ki n to u) Near East
近年(きんねん-ki n ne n) Recent years, Late years
近辺(きんぺん-ki n pe n) Neighborhood, Vicinity
近傍(きんぼう-ki n bo u) Neighborhood, Vicinity, Surrounding area
近来(きんらい-ki n ra i) These days, Recently, Lately
近隣(きんりん-ki n ri n) Neighborhood, vicinity
近道(ちかみち-chi ka mi chi) Shorter way, Shortcut, Short cut
近目 or 近眼(ちかめ-chi ka me) Nearsightedness, Shortsightedness, Myopia
遠近(えんきん-e n ki n) Distance, Perspective, Far and near, Here and there
最近(さいきん-sa i ki n) Recently, Lately, These days, Nowadays, Right now
昵近 or 昵懇(じっこん-ji kko n) Familiarity, Closeness
親近(しんきん-shi n ki n) ① Bonding, Becoming closer, Developing an affinity, Familiarity, ② Close relation, Close relative, Close friend, ③ Personal retainer, Personal attendant, Close aide
接近(せっきん-se kki n) ① Getting closer, Drawing nearer, Approaching, ② Being not much different, Being near (age, skill, etc), ③ Becoming close (i.e. friendly), Becoming intimate
側近(そっきん-so kki n) Close aide (of a powerful person), Close associate, Entourage, Attendant, Retainer
卑近(ひきん-hi ki n) Common, Simple
付近(ふきん-fu ki n) Vicinity, Adjacent, Neighborhood
間近(まぢか-ma di ka) Nearby, Near, Near at hand, Close at hand, Approaching, Almost here, Just around the corner


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