Japanese Jouyou-kanji “曲” means “Improper”, “Corner” or “Suspicious person” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
曲尺(かねじゃく or きょくしゃく-ka ne ja ku (or) kyo ku sha ku) |
Carpenter’s square, Steel square, Japanese foot, Metal measure |
曲学(きょくがく-kyo ku ga ku) |
Inferior scholarship, Ignoring the truth and distorting scholarship |
曲学阿世(きょくがくあせい-kyo ku ga ku a se i) |
Prostitution of learning, Twisting the truth and truckling to the times |
曲技(きょくぎ-kyo ku gi) |
Acrobatic feats, Acrobatic stunt |
曲芸(きょくげい-kyo ku ge i) |
Circus, Juggle, Stunt, Acrobatics |
曲師(きょくし-kyo ku shi) |
Shamisen players in rokyoku |
曲事(きょくじ-kyo ku ji) |
Wickedness, Injustice, Crookedness, Unfairness |
曲射(きょくしゃ-kyo ku sha) |
High-angle fire, Indirect fire, Curved fire |
曲水の宴(きょくすいのうたげ-kyo ku su i no u ta ge) |
Winding stream party (event for composing poetry and drinking rice wine) |
曲折(きょくせつ-kyo ku se tsu) |
Meandering, Twist, Winding, Complicated |
曲説(きょくせつ-kyo ku se tsu) |
False theory, Distortion, Give an incorrect opinion and its explanation and discussion |
曲線(きょくせん-kyo ku se n) |
Curve, Curve line |
曲直(きょくちょく-kyo ku cho ku) |
Right or Wrong |
曲乗り(きょくのり-kyo ku no ri) |
Trick riding, Bareback riding, Stunt flying, Aerobatics |
曲馬(きょくば-kyo ku ba) |
Display of equestrian stunts, Equestrian feats |
曲庇(きょくひ-kyo ku hi) |
Harboring (a criminal) |
曲弾き(きょくびき-kyo ku bi ki) |
Trick playing (on a stringed instrument) |
曲筆(きょくひつ-kyo ku hi tsu) |
Misrepresentation, Falsification |
曲譜(きょくふ-kyo ku fu) |
Musical note |
曲浦(きょくほ-kyo ku ho) |
Winding coast (beach) |
曲面(きょくめん-kyo ku me n) |
Curved surface |
曲論(きょくろん-kyo ku ro n) |
Biased argument, Sophistry, Specious argument |
曲解(きょっかい-kyo kka i) |
Misconstruction, Distortion, Misinterpretation, Misunderstanding, Perversion, Contortion |
曲球(きょっきゅう-kyo kkyu u) |
Curveball, Curve |
曲者(くせもの-ku se mo no) |
① Ruffian, Villain, Knave, Thief, Suspicious fellow, ② Peculiar person, Idiosyncratic person, Stubborn fellow, ③ Tricky thing, Something that is more than it seems, ④ Old fox, Old badger |
曲玉 or 勾玉(まがたま-ma ga ta ma) |
Magatama, Comma-shaped bead from prehistoric Japan, Usually made of jade |
曲げ物(まげもの-ma ge mo no) |
Round wooden chip box |
委曲(いきょく-i kyo ku) |
Details, Particulars, Circumstances |
婉曲(えんきょく-e n kyo ku) |
Euphemistic, Circumlocutory, Roundabout, Indirect |
音曲(おんぎょく-o n gyo ku) |
Song accompanied by shamisen music |
歌曲(かきょく-ka kyo ku) |
① Melodic line, Melodic phrase, Tune, Strain, Line, Melody, ② Song, Vocal |
楽曲(がっきょく-ga kkyo ku) |
Musical piece, Music score, Musical composition |
戯曲(ぎきょく-gi kyo ku) |
Drama, Play |
交響曲(こうきょうきょく-ko u kyo u kyo ku) |
Symphonic music, Symphony |