0424-Jouyou-kanji “曲” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Melody” or “Tune” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “曲”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “曲” means “Improper”, “Corner” or “Suspicious person” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "曲"

Jouyou Kanji “曲”

Jouyou Kanji "曲" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “曲” Stroke Order

Stroke # 6 Strokes
On-Yomi きょく(kyoku)
Kun-Yomi ま(がる)(ma(garu))
Meanings Bend, Curve, Wind, Distort
Wicked, Vicious, Wrong
Corner, Nook
Melody, Tune
In detail, Minutely
Rascal, Old fox, Suspicious person
Interest, Fun

Kanji words which contain Kanji “曲”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
曲尺(かねじゃく or きょくしゃく-ka ne ja ku (or) kyo ku sha ku) Carpenter’s square, Steel square, Japanese foot, Metal measure
曲学(きょくがく-kyo ku ga ku) Inferior scholarship, Ignoring the truth and distorting scholarship
曲学阿世(きょくがくあせい-kyo ku ga ku a se i) Prostitution of learning, Twisting the truth and truckling to the times
曲技(きょくぎ-kyo ku gi) Acrobatic feats, Acrobatic stunt
曲芸(きょくげい-kyo ku ge i) Circus, Juggle, Stunt, Acrobatics
曲師(きょくし-kyo ku shi) Shamisen players in rokyoku
曲事(きょくじ-kyo ku ji) Wickedness, Injustice, Crookedness, Unfairness
曲射(きょくしゃ-kyo ku sha) High-angle fire, Indirect fire, Curved fire
曲水の宴(きょくすいのうたげ-kyo ku su i no u ta ge) Winding stream party (event for composing poetry and drinking rice wine)
曲折(きょくせつ-kyo ku se tsu) Meandering, Twist, Winding, Complicated
曲説(きょくせつ-kyo ku se tsu) False theory, Distortion, Give an incorrect opinion and its explanation and discussion
曲線(きょくせん-kyo ku se n) Curve, Curve line
曲直(きょくちょく-kyo ku cho ku) Right or Wrong
曲乗り(きょくのり-kyo ku no ri) Trick riding, Bareback riding, Stunt flying, Aerobatics
曲馬(きょくば-kyo ku ba) Display of equestrian stunts, Equestrian feats
曲庇(きょくひ-kyo ku hi) Harboring (a criminal)
曲弾き(きょくびき-kyo ku bi ki) Trick playing (on a stringed instrument)
曲筆(きょくひつ-kyo ku hi tsu) Misrepresentation, Falsification
曲譜(きょくふ-kyo ku fu) Musical note
曲浦(きょくほ-kyo ku ho) Winding coast (beach)
曲面(きょくめん-kyo ku me n) Curved surface
曲論(きょくろん-kyo ku ro n) Biased argument, Sophistry, Specious argument
曲解(きょっかい-kyo kka i) Misconstruction, Distortion, Misinterpretation, Misunderstanding, Perversion, Contortion
曲球(きょっきゅう-kyo kkyu u) Curveball, Curve
曲者(くせもの-ku se mo no) ① Ruffian, Villain, Knave, Thief, Suspicious fellow, ② Peculiar person, Idiosyncratic person, Stubborn fellow, ③ Tricky thing, Something that is more than it seems, ④ Old fox, Old badger
曲玉 or 勾玉(まがたま-ma ga ta ma) Magatama, Comma-shaped bead from prehistoric Japan, Usually made of jade
曲げ物(まげもの-ma ge mo no) Round wooden chip box
委曲(いきょく-i kyo ku) Details, Particulars, Circumstances
婉曲(えんきょく-e n kyo ku) Euphemistic, Circumlocutory, Roundabout, Indirect
音曲(おんぎょく-o n gyo ku) Song accompanied by shamisen music
歌曲(かきょく-ka kyo ku) ① Melodic line, Melodic phrase, Tune, Strain, Line, Melody, ② Song, Vocal
楽曲(がっきょく-ga kkyo ku) Musical piece, Music score, Musical composition
戯曲(ぎきょく-gi kyo ku) Drama, Play
交響曲(こうきょうきょく-ko u kyo u kyo ku) Symphonic music, Symphony


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