0414-Jouyou-kanji “橋” Stroke Order and Meanings

0414-Jouyou-kanji “橋” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji "橋"

Jouyou Kanji “橋”

Jouyou Kanji "橋" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “橋” Stroke Order

Stroke # 16 Strokes
On-Yomi きょう(kyou)
Kun-Yomi はし(hashi)
Meanings Bridge, Pons

Kanji words which contain Kanji “橋”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
橋脚(きょうきゃく-kyo u kya ku) Bridge pier
橋頭(きょうとう-kyo u to u) ① Close area of a bridge, Bridge side, ② Bridgehead
橋梁(きょうりょう-kyo u ryo u) Bridge
橋桁(はしげた-ha shi ge ta ) Bridge girder
橋渡し(はしわたし-ha shi wa ta shi) ① Mediation, Getting in between the two and create a good relationship, ② Bridge building
石橋(いしばし-i shi ba shi) Stone bridge
板橋(いたばし-i ta ba shi) Plank-floored bridge
虹橋(こうきょう-ko u kyo u) Rainbow bridge
浮き橋(うきばし-u ki ba shi) Floating bridge
架橋(かきょう-ka kyo u) ① Bridge building, ② Cross-Link (in chemistry)


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