0395-Jouyou-kanji “共” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Together” or “Along with” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “共”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “共” means “Both”, “Including” or “With” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "共"

Jouyou Kanji “共”

Jouyou Kanji "共" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “共” Stroke Order

Stroke # 6 Strokes
On-Yomi きょう(kyou)
Kun-Yomi とも(tomo)
Meanings Together, In company, Along with
Respectfully, Humbly, Reverently
Offer, Give (with respect)

Kanji words which contain Kanji “共”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
共栄(きょうえい-kyo u e i) Co-prosperity, Mutual prosperity
共営(きょうえい-kyo u e i) To run a business jointly, Co-owned, Joint management
共演(きょうえん-kyo u e n) Co-starring, Co-acting, Playing together
共学(きょうがく-kyo u ga ku) Co-education
共感(きょうかん-kyo u ka n) Empathy, Sympathy, Compassion
共済(きょうさい-kyo u sa i) Mutual aid, Helping each other
共済組合(きょうさいくみあい-kyo u sa i ku mi a i) Mutual aid association, Cooperative society, Mutual-benefit association
共催(きょうさい-kyo u sa i) Cosponsor, Cosponsorship
共産(きょうさん-kyo u sa n) Sharing assets, To share the means of production with all members of society
共産主義(きょうさんしゅぎ-kyo u sa n shu gi) Communism
共進会(きょうしんかい-kyo u shi n ka i) Competitive exhibition of farm products, Prize show
共生(きょうせい-kyo u se i) Symbiosis
共存(きょうぞん-kyo u zo n) Coexistence, Helping each other and surviving together
共存共栄(きょうぞんきょうえい-kyo u zo n kyo u e i) Coexistence and co‐prosperity, Prosperous coexistence
共著(きょうちょ-kyo u cho) Joint authorship, Co-authorship, Collaboration, Joint work
共通(きょうつう-kyo u tsu u) ① Common, Shared, Mutual, General, ② To be common to, To be shared by
共通語(きょうつうご-kyo u tsu u go) Common language, Standard language
共同(きょうどう-kyo u do u) ① Cooperation, Collaboration, Association, Partnership, ② Community, Communal use, Common possession, Sharing
共同責任(きょうどうせきにん-kyo u do u se ki ni n) Corporate responsibility, Joint responsibility, Solidarity
共同募金(きょうどうぼきん-kyo u do u bo ki n) Community chest
共犯(きょうはん-kyo u ha n) Complicity, Accomplice, Joint offense
共謀(きょうぼう-kyo u bo u) Conspiracy, Collusion
共鳴(きょうめい-kyo u me i) ① Resonance, ② Identification, Sympathy, Fellow feeling
共訳(きょうやく-kyo u ya ku) Joint translation
共有(きょうゆう-kyo u yu u) Joint ownership, Co-ownership, Sharing
共用(きょうよう-kyo u yo u) Common use, Communal use, Sharing
共立(きょうりつ-kyo u ri tsu) Established by two or more persons (or groups), Jointly established
共和(きょうわ-kyo u wa) ① Republicanism, ② Cooperation, Working together
共和国(きょうわこく-kyo u wa ko ku) Republic
共和政治(きょうわせいじ-kyo u wa se i ji) Republican government
共稼ぎ(ともかせぎ-to mo ka se gi) (Husband and wife) earning a living together, Working in double harness, Working together (husband and wife)
共食い(ともぐい-to mo gu i) Cannibalism
共白髪(ともしらが-to mo shi ra ga) ① Growing old together (as a couple), Eternal love, ② White hemp thread (as a betrothal gift, representing the hair of an old couple)
公共(こうきょう-ko u kyo u) Public, Communal
反共(はんきょう-ha n kyo u) Anticommunism
防共(ぼうきょう-bo u kyo u) Defense against communism, Anticommunist


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