0393-Jouyou-kanji “漁” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Fishing” or “Gathering seafood” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “漁”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “漁” means “Fisherman”, “Collecting shells” or “Look for eagerly” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "漁"

Jouyou Kanji “漁”

Jouyou Kanji "漁" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “漁” Stroke Order

Stroke # 14 Strokes
On-Yomi ぎょ(gyo)
Kun-Yomi すなど(る)(sunado(ru))
Meanings Catch fishes, shellfishes and other seafood
Look for eagerly, Hunt for, Devour

Kanji words which contain Kanji “漁”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
漁翁(ぎょおう-gyo o u) Old fisherman
漁火(ぎょか or いさりび-gyo ka (or) i sa ri bi) Fire for luring fish at night, Fishing fire
漁家(ぎょか-gyo ka) Fishing household, Fisherman family
漁歌(ぎょか-gyo ka) Fisherman’s song
漁獲(ぎょかく-gyo ka ku) Fishing, Fishery, Fish catch, Catching fish
漁獲高(ぎょかくだか-gyo ka ku da ka) Amount of fish and shellfish caught
漁期(ぎょき-gyo ki) Fishing season
漁況(ぎょきょう-gyo kyo u) Fishing conditions, How well the fishes are caught
漁業(ぎょぎょう-gyo gyo u) Fishing industry, Fishery
漁区(ぎょく-gyo ku) Fishing ground, Fishery
漁具(ぎょぐ-gyo gu) Fishing gear, Fishing tackle, Tools and instruments used in the fishing industry
漁港(ぎょこう-gyo ko u) Fishing port, Fishing harbor
漁者(ぎょしゃ-gyo sha) Fisherman
漁舟(ぎょしゅう-gyo shu u) Small fishing boat, Fishing smack, Fishing vessel
漁樵(ぎょしょう-gyo sho u) Catching fish and cutting wood, Fishing and lumberjack work, Fisherman and Woodcutter
漁場(ぎょじょう-gyo jo u) Fishing ground
漁色(ぎょしょく-gyo sho ku) Lechery, Debauchery, Philandering
漁船(ぎょせん-gyo se n) Fishing vessel, Fishing boat
漁村(ぎょそん-gyo so n) Fishing village
漁釣(ぎょちょう-gyo cho u) Fishing
漁夫(ぎょふ-gyo fu) Fisherman
漁父(ぎょふ-gyo fu) Old fisherman, Fisherman
漁夫の利(ぎょふのり-gyo fu no ri) Profiting while others fight, Fisherman’s profit, Two dogs fight for a bone and the third runs away with it
漁法(ぎょほう-gyo ho u) Fishing method, Fishing techniques
漁民(ぎょみん-gyo mi n) Fisherman
漁網(ぎょもう-gyo mo u) Fishing net
漁利(ぎょり-gyo ri) ① Profit of fishing, ② Profiting while others fight, Fisherman’s profit
漁猟(ぎょりょう-gyo ryo u) Fishing and hunting
漁労(ぎょろう-gyo ro u) Fishing, fishery
漁師(りょうし-ryo u shi) Fisherman
禁漁(きんりょう-ki n ryo u) Prohibition of fishing
出漁(しゅつりょう-shu tsu ryo u) Going fishing, Going out to fish
大漁(たいりょう-ta i ryo u) Good catch, Big fishing, Good haul
不漁(ふりょう-fu ryo u) Poor catch, Poor fishing
密漁(みつりょう-mi tsu ryo u) Poaching


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