0391-Jouyou-kanji “魚” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Fish” or “Fishing” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “魚”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “魚” means “Fish” or “Fishing” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "魚"

Jouyou Kanji “魚”

Jouyou Kanji "魚" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “魚” Stroke Order

Stroke # 11 Strokes
On-Yomi ぎょ(gyo)
Kun-Yomi うお(uo)
Meanings Fish, Fishing

Kanji words which contain Kanji “魚”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
魚塩(ぎょえん-gyo e n) Fish and salt, Marine products, Seafood
魚介類(ぎょかいるい-gyo ka i ru i) Fishes and shellfishes, Marine products, Seafood
魚眼(ぎょがん-gyo ga n) Fish eye
魚眼レンズ(ぎょがんれんず-gyo ga n re n zu) Fisheye lens
魚群(ぎょぐん-gyo gu n) School of fish, Fish shoal
魚族(ぎょぞく-gyo zo ku) Fishes
魚拓(ぎょたく-gyo ta ku) Fish print, Fish rubbing, Ink rubbing of a fish, Fish impression, Gyotaku
魚肉(ぎょにく-gyo ni ku) Fish meat
魚板(ぎょばん-gyo ba n) Fish shaped plate which is used for informing time of a day by banging it
魚腹に葬らる(ぎょふくにほうむらる-gyo fu ku ni ho u mu ra ru) Death by drowning
魚粉(ぎょふん-gyo fu n) Dried fish powder, Fish meal
魚油(ぎょゆ-gyo yu) Fish oil
魚雷(ぎょらい-gyo ra i) Torpedo
魚籃(ぎょらん-gyo ra n) Fish basket, Creel
魚鱗(ぎょりん-gyo ri n) Fish scales
漁労(ぎょろう-gyo ro u) Fishing, Fishery
金魚(きんぎょ-ki n gyo) Goldfish
香魚(こうぎょ or あゆ-ko u gyo (or) a yu) Sweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis), Ayu
鹹水魚(かんすいぎょ-ka n su i gyo) Saltwater fish
秋刀魚(さんま-sa n ma) Pacific saury (Cololabis saira), Mackerel pike
紙魚(しみ-shi mi) Silverfish, Lepisma saccharina
鮮魚(せんぎょ-se n gyo) Fresh fish
淡水魚(たんすいぎょ-ta n su i gyo) Freshwater fish
池魚(ちぎょ-chi gyo) Pond fish
稚魚(ちぎょ-chi gyo) Fry, Juvenile fish, Fingerling
珍魚(ちんぎょ-chi n gyo) Rare fish
飛び魚 or 飛魚(とびうお-to bi u o) Flying fish (esp. the Japanese flying fish, Cypselurus agoo)
人魚(にんぎょ-ni n gyo) Mermaid, Merman
熱帯魚(ねったいぎょ-ne tta i gyo) Tropical fish
木魚(もくぎょ-mo ku gyo) Wooden gong, Wooden fish, (in a Buddhist temple)
養魚(ようぎょ-yo u gyo) Fish breeding, Pisciculture, Fish farming, Fish culture
幼魚(ようぎょ-yo u gyo) Fry, Young fish, Larval fish


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