“Leave” or “Go away” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “去”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “去” means “Remove”, “Past” or “Get rid of” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “去”

Jouyou Kanji “去” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
5 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
きょ(kyo) |
こ(ko) |
Kun-Yomi |
さ(る)(sa(ru)) |
ゆ(く)(yu(ku)) |
のぞ(く)(nozo(ku)) |
Meanings |
leave, Go away, Evacuate |
Remove, Eliminate, Get rid of |
Past |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “去”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
去月(きょげつ-kyo ge tsu) |
Past month, Last month |
去歳(きょさい-kyo sa i) |
Yesteryear, Last year |
去就(きょしゅう-kyo shu u) |
One’s attitude, Attitude of how to treat oneself, Course of action, Go ahead or leave |
去声(きょせい-kyo se i) |
Falling tone (in Chinese) |
去勢(きょせい-kyo se i) |
Castration, Emasculation |
去年(きょねん-kyo ne n) |
Past year, Last year |
去来(きょらい-kyo ra i) |
Coming and going, Recurring (esp. thoughts) |
去留(きょりゅう-kyo ryu u) |
Leaving and/or staying |
去る者は日に以て疎し(さるものはひにもってうとし-sa ru mo no ha hi ni mo tte u to shi) |
Those who have passed away and left this world are forgotten by others with each passing day, As the days go by we become more distant |
過去(かこ-ka ko) |
Past |
死去(しきょ-shi kyo) |
Death, Passage |
辞去(じきょ-ji kyo) |
Get out, Exit, Leave, Go out |
除去(じょきょ-jo kyo) |
Removal, Elimination |
逝去(せいきょ-se i kyo) |
Death, Passing, Demise |
卒去(そっきょ-so kkyo) |
Death (of a noble) |
退去(たいきょ-ta i kyo) |
① Departure, Leaving, Going away, Evacuation, ② Recession |
撤去(てっきょ-te kkyo) |
Withdrawal, Removal, Dismantle |