0376-Jouyou-kanji “救” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Rescue” or “Deliverance” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “救”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “救” means “Saving”, “Comfort” or “Consolation” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "救"

Jouyou Kanji “救”

Jouyou Kanji "救" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “救” Stroke Order

Stroke # 11 Strokes
On-Yomi きゅう(kyuu)
Kun-Yomi すく(う)(suku(u))
Meanings Rescue, Save, Help, Relieve

Kanji words which contain Kanji “救”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
救援(きゅうえん-kyu u e n) Relief, Rescue
救急(きゅうきゅう-kyu u kyu u) First-aid, Emergency (aid)
救急車(きゅうきゅうしゃ-kyu u kyu u sha) ambulance
救急箱(きゅうきゅうばこ-kyu u kyu u ba ko) First aid kit, First aid box
救護(きゅうご-kyu u go) Relief, Aid, Rescue
救護室(きゅうごしつ-kyu u go shi tsu) First aid room, First aid station
救荒(きゅうこう-kyu u ko u) Famine relief
救国(きゅうこく-kyu u ko ku) To save crisis of the nation, Salvation of one’s country
救済(きゅうさい-kyu u sa i) Relief, Aid, Rescue, Help, Salvation, Remedy
救出(きゅうしゅつ-kyu u shu tsu) Rescue, Deliverance, Extrication
救恤(きゅうじゅつ-kyu u ju tsu) Relief, Aid, Assistance, Rescue
救助(きゅうじょ-kyu u jo) Relief, Aid, Rescue
救世(きゅうせい-kyu u se i) Salvation, Salvation of the world
救世軍(きゅうせいぐん-kyu u se i gu n) Salvation army
救世済民(きゅうせいさいみん-kyu u se i sa i mi n) Salvage the world and rescue the people from sufferings
救難(きゅうなん-kyu u na n) Rescue, Salvage
救命(きゅうめい-kyu u me i) Life saving
救命具(きゅうめいぐ-kyu u me i gu) Lifesaving equipment, Life preserver
救療(きゅうりょう-kyu u ryo u) Helping poor patients and let them get medical care
救い主(すくいぬし-su ku i nu shi) ① Savior, Rescuer, ② Messiah, Jesus Christ


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