0364-Jouyou-kanji “旧” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Old” or “Former” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “旧”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “旧” means “Past”, “Previous” or “Old fashioned” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "旧"

Jouyou Kanji “旧”

Jouyou Kanji "旧" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “旧” Stroke Order

Stroke # 5 Strokes
On-Yomi きゅう(kyuu)
Kun-Yomi ふる(い)(furu(i))
Meanings Old, Ancient
Past, Previous
From ancient time, From before
Old fashioned, Old style
Old friend

Kanji words which contain Kanji “旧”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
旧悪(きゅうあく-kyu u a ku) Past misdeed, Crimes committed in the past, One’s old crime
旧縁(きゅうえん-kyu u e n) Old acquaintance, Old relationship
旧怨(きゅうえん-kyu u e n) Old grudge
旧屋(きゅうおく-kyu u o ku) ① One’s old house, ② A house that has lived in the area for a long time, A family with a long history
旧恩(きゅうおん-kyu u o n) Favor received before, Old grace
旧家(きゅうか-kyu u ka) ① Family which has been inherited for a long time, ② The house which one have lived before
旧懐(きゅうかい-kyu u ka i) Nostalgia for the old days, Feelings of longing for the old days
旧株(きゅうかぶ-kyu u ka bu) Old shares, Old stock, Previously issued shares
旧刊(きゅうかん-kyu u ka n) Old publication, Back number, Old edition
旧慣(きゅうかん-kyu u ka n) Old customs
旧館(きゅうかん-kyu u ka n) Older building, Old building
旧観(きゅうかん-kyu u ka n) Former state, Former appearance
旧記(きゅうき-kyu u ki) Old chronicle, Old record
旧誼(きゅうぎ-kyu u gi) Old friendship
旧居(きゅうきょ-kyu u kyo) One’s old house, One’s former residence
旧教(きゅうきょう-kyu u kyo u) Roman Catholic, Catholicism
旧劇(きゅうげき-kyu u ge ki) Traditional Japanese theater (kabuki or noh etc), Classical drama, Play of the old school
旧故(きゅうこ-kyu u ko) Antiquity, Old acquaintance
旧功(きゅうこう-kyu u ko u) ① Past achievements, ② Serving for a long time
旧交(きゅうこう-kyu u ko u) Old friendship
旧好(きゅうこう-kyu u ko u) Old friendship
旧稿(きゅうこう-kyu u ko u) Old manuscript
旧国(きゅうこく-kyu u ko ku) ① Ancient nation, ② Homeland, One’s native land, Birthplace
旧作(きゅうさく-kyu u sa ku) One’s old work, One’s earlier work
旧師(きゅうし-kyu u shi) One’s former teacher
旧時(きゅうじ-kyu u ji) Ancient times, Past, Past times, Yesteryear
旧式(きゅうしき-kyu u shi ki) Old type, Old style, Old-fashioned, Demode, Antique
旧識(きゅうしき-kyu u shi ki) Old friend, An old acquaintance
旧字体(きゅうじたい-kyu u ji ta i) Old character form, Kyūjitai, Traditional form of kanji used in Japan before 1946
旧主(きゅうしゅ-kyu u shu) Former lord
旧習(きゅうしゅう-kyu u shu u) Old custom
旧称(きゅうしょう-kyu u sho u) Old name, Former title
旧情(きゅうじょう-kyu u jo u) ① Old friendship, ② Old sentiments, Old feelings
旧臣(きゅうしん-kyu u shi n) ① Old retainer, ② Former vassal
旧人(きゅうじん-kyu u ji n) Paleo anthropic man (e.g. Neanderthal)
旧姓(きゅうせい-kyu u se i) One’s original family name, Maiden name
旧制(きゅうせい-kyu u se i) Old system, Old order
旧跡 or 旧蹟(きゅうせき-kyu u se ki) Historic spot, Place of historic interest
旧説(きゅうせつ-kyu u se tsu) Old theory, Ancient ideas
旧蔵(きゅうぞう-kyu u zo u) One’s old possessions
旧俗(きゅうぞく-kyu u zo ku) Old customs
旧態(きゅうたい-kyu u ta i) Outdated state, Former state of things, Old order of things
旧態依然(きゅうたいいぜん-kyu u ta i i ze n) Remaining unchanged from the old state of things, State of being the same as before with no progress or development whatsoever
旧大陸(きゅうたいりく-kyu u ta i ri ku) Old world (i.e. Asia, Africa, Europe)
旧知(きゅうち-kyu u chi) Old friend, Old acquaintance
旧都(きゅうと-kyu u to) Old capital, Former capital
旧冬(きゅうとう-kyu u to u) Former winters, Last winter
旧套(きゅうとう-kyu u to u) Conventionalism, Conventionality, Convention, Tradition
旧道(きゅうどう-kyu u do u) Old road
旧任(きゅうにん-kyu u ni n) Position previously held
旧年(きゅうねん-kyu u ne n) The old year, Last year
旧派(きゅうは-kyu u ha) Old school, Old style
旧幕(きゅうばく-kyu u ba ku) The old feudal government, Shogunate
旧版(きゅうはん-kyu u ha n) Old edition
旧聞(きゅうぶん-kyu u bu n) Old story, Old news
旧弊(きゅうへい-kyu u he i) Old evils, Long-standing abuses, Old-fashioned ways, Outdated notions
旧法(きゅうほう-kyu u ho u) ① Old law, ② Old method
旧盆(きゅうぼん-kyu u bo n) Bon Festival of the lunar calendar
旧夢(きゅうむ-kyu u mu) Ancient dream, Fleeting thing
旧約(きゅうやく-kyu u ya ku) ① Old promise, Old agreement, Old covenant, ② Old Testament
旧約聖書(きゅうやくせいしょ-kyu u ya ku se i sho) Old Testament
旧訳(きゅうやく-kyu u ya ku) Old translation
旧友(きゅうゆう-kyu u yu u) Old friend, Old pal
旧遊(きゅうゆう-kyu u yu u) ① Former visit, ② Friend one used to play with, Old friend
旧来(きゅうらい-kyu u ra i) Traditional, From ancient times, Formerly
旧離(きゅうり-kyu u ri) Removal of dissolute sons from the family register (Edo period)
旧領(きゅうりょう-kyu u ryo u) Old fief
旧例(きゅうれい-kyu u re i) Old custom, Tradition
旧暦(きゅうれき-kyu u re i) Japan’s old (lunisolar) calendar
旧臘(きゅうろう-kyu u ro u) Last December, End of last year
懐旧(かいきゅう-ka i kyu u) Nostalgia, Reminiscence, Thinking fondly of the past, Recalling the old days
故旧(こきゅう-ko kyu u) Old acquaintance
新旧(しんきゅう-shi n kyu u) New and old, Incoming and outgoing
親旧(しんきゅう-shi n kyu u) Relatives and old friends
復旧(ふっきゅう-fu kkyu u) Restoration, Rehabilitation, Restitution, Recovery


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