“Joy” or “Rejoice” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “喜”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “喜” means “Congratulate”, “Celebrate” or “To be pleased” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “喜”

Jouyou Kanji “喜” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
12 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
き(ki) |
Kun-Yomi |
よろこ(ぶ)(yoroko(bu)) |
Meanings |
Happy, Glad, Pleasant |
Like, Favor, Prefer |
Congratulation, Celebration |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “喜”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
喜雨(きう-ki u) |
Rain that comes after a drought, Friendly shower, Welcome rain |
喜悦(きえつ-ki e tsu) |
Joy, Delight, Happiness, Rejoice |
喜歌劇(きかげき-ki ka ge ki) |
Comic opera |
喜々(きき-ki ki) |
Happily enjoying, Merry, Joyful, Gleeful |
喜劇(きげき-ki ge ki) |
Comedy |
喜捨(きしゃ-ki sha) |
Charity, Almsgiving |
喜寿(きじゅ-ki ju) |
77th birthday |
喜色(きしょく-ki sho ku) |
Pleased look, Joyful look |
喜色満面(きしょくまんめん-ki sho ku ma n me n) |
Being all smiles with joy, Full of enjoyment on one’s face |
喜怒哀楽(きどあいらく-ki do a i ra ku) |
All kind of human emotions, Human’s four emotions (joy, anger, sadness, and fun) |
喜憂(きゆう-ki yu u) |
Joy and sorrow |
歓喜(かんき-ka n ki) |
Great joy, Delight |
驚喜(きょうき-kyo u ki) |
Pleasant surprise |
欣喜(きんき-ki n ki) |
Big joy, Delight, Gladness |
随喜(ずいき-zu i ki) |
Deep gratitude, Overwhelming joy, Great happiness |