Japanese Jouyou-kanji “帰” means “Go back”, “Restoration” or “Result” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
帰一(きいつ-ki i tsu) |
United into one |
帰依(きえ-ki e) |
Devotion, Conversion, To follow the excellent leader such as God and Buddha |
帰化(きか-ki ka) |
Naturalization |
帰嫁(きか-ki ka) |
To become a bride, To marry into (a family) |
帰臥(きが-ki ga) |
Quitting one’s job as a government official to return to live quietly in one’s own native region |
帰還(きかん-ki ka n) |
Return (home), Repatriation |
帰還兵(きかんへい-ki ka n he i) |
Veterans, Returned soldier |
帰宅(きたく-ki ta ku) |
To return to one’s home |
帰結(きけつ-ki ke tsu) |
To settle, Conclusion, Settling down to a certain conclusion or a result in the end |
帰館(きかん-ki ka n) |
(Exaggerated expression of) To return to one’s home |
帰雁(きがん-ki ga n) |
Wild geese returning north in the spring |
帰期(きき-ki ki) |
Time for returning (home or home town etc) |
帰休(ききゅう-ki kyu u) |
① Furlough, ② Temporary layoff, ③ Die |
帰京(ききょう-ki kyo u) |
Returning to Tokyo, Returning to the capital |
帰郷(ききょう-ki kyo u) |
Homecoming, Returning to hometown |
帰去来(ききょらい or かえりなんいざ-ki kyo ra i (or) ka e ri na n i za) |
Quitting one’s job and moving back to one’s hometown |
帰結(きけつ-ki ke tsu) |
Consequence, Result, Conclusion |
帰向(きこう-ki ko u) |
To be passionate about something |
帰港(きこう-ki ko u) |
Returning to port |
帰航(きこう-ki ko u) |
Inward voyage, Homeward voyage, Home bound, Return voyage |
帰耕(きこう-ki ko u) |
Quitting one’s occupation and returning to one’s hometown for doing agriculture |
帰国(きこく-ki ko ku) |
Return to one’s country |
帰参(きさん-ki sa n) |
Return to one’s lord’s service, Returning to the service of one’s master |
帰順(きじゅん-ki ju n) |
Submission, Return to allegiance |
帰心(きしん-ki shi n) |
Homesickness, Longing for home |
帰趨(きすう-ki su u) |
① Tendency, Trend, Drift, ② Outcome (of a course of events), Consequence |
帰省(きせい-ki se i) |
Homecoming, Return home |
帰巣性(きそうせい-ki so u se i) |
Homing instinct, Back-homing instinct, Homing |
帰属(きぞく-ki zo ku) |
① Belonging, Ascription, Attribution, ② Reversion, Return, Restoration |
帰宅(きたく-ki ta ku) |
Returning home, Going home, Coming home, Getting home |
帰着(きちゃく-ki cha ku) |
Conclusion, Reduction, Return, Coming back |
帰朝(きちょう-ki cho u) |
Returning from abroad, Coming back to one’s country (Japan) |
帰程(きてい-ki te i) |
Route for coming back home, On the way home |
帰田(きでん-ki de n) |
To resign one’s government job and return to the countryside for working in agriculture |
帰途(きと-ki to) |
On the way back, Returning |
帰任(きにん-ki ni n) |
Return to one’s post |
帰寧(きねい-ki ne i) |
Coming back of married woman to her parents home |
帰年(きねん-ki ne n) |
Future year of coming back home |
帰納(きのう-ki no u) |
Induction |
帰農(きのう-ki no u) |
To resign one’s job and return to one’s home town for working in agriculture |
帰服 or 帰伏(きふく-ki fu ku) |
Submission, Surrender, Give up |
帰来(きらい-ki ra i) |
Returning |
帰路(きろ-ki ro) |
One’s way back, One’s way home |
里帰り(さとがえり-sa to ga e ri) |
Return to parents’ home |
日帰り(ひがえり-hi ga e ri) |
One‐day trip |
不帰(ふき-fu ki) |
Pass away, Decease, Death, Expiry |
不如帰(ほととぎす or ふじょき-ho to to gi su (or) fu jo ki) |
Little cuckoo |
復帰(ふっき-fu kki) |
Reinstatement, Return, Comeback, Recursion, Regression |