Japanese Jouyou-kanji “気” means “Spirit”, “Feeling” or “Consciousness” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
気合(きあい-ki a i) |
Fighting spirit, Concentrated mind for fighting, Motivation, Effort, Kiai, Short shout when performing an attacking move |
気圧(きあつ-ki a tsu) |
Barometric pressure, Atmospheric pressure, Air pressure |
気韻(きいん-ki i n) |
Dignity, Refinement (of art or sentence etc) |
気宇(きう-ki u) |
Mind set, Mental attitude, Width of mind, Breadth of mind, Generosity, Magnanimity |
気受け(きうけ-ki u ke) |
Feelings, Favor, Popularity, Reception |
気鬱(きうつ-ki u tsu) |
Depression, Gloom, Mental depression |
気運(きうん-ki u n) |
Tendency of the society, Momentum of one’s around |
気鋭(きえい-ki e i) |
Energetic, Spirited |
気炎 or 気焔(きえん-ki e n) |
① Vigorous frame, ② Vivid spirit, High spirits |
気負う(きおう-ki o u) |
Be mindful, To rouse oneself, Be eager to do |
気後れ(きおくれ-ki o ku re) |
Losing one’s nerve, Feeling awkward, Feeling timid, Feeling hesitant, Feeling nervous, Feeling diffident, Being daunted |
気落ち(きおち-ki o chi) |
Discouraged, Dispirited, Despondent |
気重(きおも-ki o mo) |
Heavy-hearted |
気温(きおん-ki o n) |
Air temperature, Atmospheric temperature |
気化(きか-ki ka) |
Vaporization, Evaporation |
気概(きがい-ki ga i) |
Spirit, Strong spirit, Mettle, Guts |
気が置ける(きがおける-ki ga o ke ru) |
Can’t open one’s mind, Can’t be honest mannar |
気兼ね(きがね-ki ga ne) |
Constraint, Feeling hesitant, Being afraid of troubling someone |
気が引ける(きがひける-ki ga hi ke ru) |
To feel awkward, To feel ashamed, To feel inferior, To feel shy (about doing something) |
気が触れる(きがふれる-ki ga fu re ru) |
To go mad, To go crazy, To lose one’s mind |
気軽(きがる-ki ga ru) |
Light-hearted, Carefree, Buoyant, Lighthearted, Sprightly |
気管(きかん-ki ka n) |
Trachea, Windpipe |
気管支(きかんし-ki ka n shi) |
Bronchus |
気球(ききゅう-ki kyu u) |
Balloon, Aerostat |
気侠(ききょう-ki kyo u) |
Chivalrous spirit, Chivalry |
気位(きぐらい-ki gu ra i) |
Haughtiness, Pride, Self-regard, Self-respect |
気苦労(きぐろう-ki gu ro u) |
Anxiety, Worry, Mental exhaustion |
気孔(きこう-ki ko u) |
Stoma, Pore, Stigma, Vesicle |
気功(きこう-ki ko u) |
Qigong, Breathing exercise, Breath control,Spirit cultivation, Chi kung |
気候(きこう-ki ko u) |
Climate |
気心(きごころ-ki go ko ro) |
Temper, One’s thought |
気骨(きこつ-ki ko tsu) |
Backbone, Grit, Mettle, Indomitable spirit |
気根(きこん-ki ko n) |
① Aerial root, ② Mental energy, Stamina, Perseverance |
気障(きざ-ki za) |
Unnatural, Affected, Self-satisfied, Smug, Pompous, Conceited, Snobby, Pretentious |
気質(きしつ or かたぎ-ki shi tsu (or) ka ta gi) |
Temperament, Disposition, Nature, Mentality, Spirit, Character, Trait |
気性(きしょう-ki sho u) |
Disposition, Temperament, Temper, Nature |
気象(きしょう-ki sho u) |
① Weather (conditions), ② Disposition, Temperament |
気象台(きしょうだい-ki sho u da i) |
Meteorological observatory |
気象庁(きしょうちょう-ki sho u cho u) |
Meteorological Agency |
気丈(きじょう-ki jo u) |
Stout-hearted, Firm, Courageous, Brave, Tough |
気色(きしょく-ki ha ku) |
① Looks, Countenance, ② Feeling, Spirits, Mood |
気色(けしき-ke shi ki) |
Appearance, Scenery, Sign, Indication, Landscape |
気随(きずい-ki zu i) |
Willful, As one pleases, Self-willed, Selfish |
気勢(きせい-ki se i) |
Fervor, Vigor, Ardor, Spirit |
気節(きせつ-ki se tsu) |
Noble spirit, Noble sentiment |
気絶(きぜつ-ki ze tsu) |
Faint, Fainting, Losing consciousness |
気息(きそく-ki so ku) |
Breathing, Breath |
気息奄々(きそくえんえん-ki so ku e n e n) |
Gasping for breath, At one’s last gasp, Breathing feebly, On the brink of death, More dead than alive |
気体(きたい-ki ta i) |
Gas, Vapor, Gaseous body |
気団(きだん-ki da n) |
Air mass |
気付(きつけ-ki tsu ke) |
① Encouragement, Cheering (someone) up, ② Restoring (someone) to consciousness, Bringing (someone) around, ③ Restorative, Stimulant, Pick-me-up, Tonic |
気付 or 気附(きづけ-ki du ke) |
(used in addresses after the name of a company, organization etc) care of, c/o |
気詰まり(きづまり-ki du ma ri) |
Constrained, Uncomfortable, Awkward |
気転 or 機転(きてん-ki te n) |
Quick‐wittedness, Tactfulness |
気取る(きどる -ki do ru) |
Pose, Posture, To be affected, To put on airs |
気取る(けどる-ke do ru) |
To suspect, To sense |
気に病む(きにやむ-ki ni ya mu) |
To worry (about), To fret (over), To be anxious |
気抜け(きぬけ-ki nu ke) |
① Dispiritedness, Dejection, Languor, Lethargy, Apathy, ② Going flat (of a carbonated drink, beer etc) |
気嚢(きのう-ki no u) |
Air bladder (for fish), Air sac (for birds and plants) |
気乗り(きのり-ki no ri) |
Interest, Enthusiasm |
気魄(きはく-ki ha ku) |
Spirit, Soul, Drive, Vigor |
気は心(きはこころ-ki wa ko ko ro) |
It’s the thought that counts |
気晴らし(きばらし-ki ba ra shi) |
Recreation, Diversion, Relaxation |
気張る(きばる-ki ba ru) |
Exert oneself, Make an effort, To go all out |
気品(きひん-ki hi n) |
Elegance, Refinement, Grace, Dignity |
気風(きふう-ki fu u) |
Character, Traits, Ethos |
気分(きぶん-ki bu n) |
Mood, Temper, Feeling |
気分転換(きぶんてんかん-ki bu n te n ka n) |
Change of pace, Change of mood, (Mental) break (e.g. going for a walk), Refreshment |
気泡(きほう-ki ho u) |
Blister, Bubble |
気前(きまえ-ki ma e) |
Generosity |
気紛れ(きまぐれ-ki ma gu re) |
Whim, Caprice, Capricious, Fickle, Whimsical, Impulsive, Changeable, Temperamental |
気儘(きまま-ki ma ma) |
① Willful, Selfish, Self-centered, Egoistic, ② Carefree, Do-as-you-please, Freewheeling, Free spirited |
気味(きみ-ki mi) |
① Sensation, Feeling, ② Tendency, Propensity |
気密(きみつ-ki mi tsu) |
Airtight, Sealed |
気脈(きみゃく-ki mya ku) |
Tacit understanding, Connection (of thoughts), Dark connection, Secret understanding |
気持ち(きもち-ki mo chi) |
① Feeling, Sensation, Mood, State of mind, ② Preparedness, Readiness, Attitude, ③ Thought, Sentiment, Consideration, Solicitude, Gratitude, ④ Slightly, A bit, A little |
気安い(きやすい-ki ya su i) |
Comfortable, Comfy, Familiar, Friendly |
気休め(きやすめ-ki ya su me) |
Mere consolation, Temporary peace of mind |
気楽(きらく-ki ra ku) |
Carefree, Comfortable, At ease, Easygoing, Happy-go-lucky |
気流(きりゅう-ki ryu u) |
Airflow, Atmospheric current, Air current |
気力(きりょく-ki ryo ku) |
Vitality, Vigor, Spirit, Willpower, Energy |
気を吐く(きをはく-ki wo ha ku) |
Make a good showing, Be very successful |
気を回す(きをまわす-ki wo ma wa su) |
To read too much into things, To get wrong ideas by letting one’s imagination run wild, To have a groundless suspicion |
気を許す(きをゆるす-ki wo yu ru su) |
Be off one’s guard, To let one’s guard down |
気高い(けだかい-ke da ka i) |
Sublime, Noble, High-minded |
気配(けはい-ke ha i) |
Indication, Sign, Hint, Sensation, Feeling |
意気(いき-i ki) |
Spirit, Heart, Disposition |
陰気(いんき-ki n ki) |
① Gloomy, Dismal, Miserable, Melancholy, ② Spirit of yin |
英気(えいき-e i ki) |
① Vigor, Willpower, ② Great wisdom, Excellent disposition |
鋭気(えいき-e i ki) |
Courage, Ardor, High spirits |
堅気(かたぎ-ka ta gi) |
Honest, Respectable, Decent, Person in a respectable occupation |
活気(かっき-ka kki) |
Energy, Vigor, Liveliness, Spirit, Life, Animation |
脚気(かっけ-ka kke) |
Beriberi, Severe thiamine deficiency |
寒気(かんき-ka n ki) |
Cold air |
寒気(さむけ-sa mu ke) |
Chill, The shivers, Shivering fit |
換気(かんき-ka n ki) |
Ventilation, Air infiltration |
狂気(きょうき-kyo u ki) |
Insanity, Madness, Rabidity, Rabidness |
空気(くうき-ku u ki) |
① Air, Atmosphere, ② Mood, Situation, ③ Person with no presence, Person who doesn’t stand out at all |
血気(けっき-ke kki) |
Vigor, Ardor, High spirits |
元気(げんき-ge n ki) |
① Lively, Full of spirit, Energetic, Vigorous, Vital, Spirited, ② Healthy, Well, Fit, In good health |
豪気 or 剛気(ごうき-go u ki) |
Sturdy spirit. Bold, Daring, Brave, Valiant, Undaunted, Stouthearted |
根気(こんき-ko n ki) |
Patience, Perseverance, Endurance |
才気(さいき-sa i ki) |
① Sapience, Wisdom, ② Brain, Learning ability, Mental capacity, Wit, Brainpower, ③ Brilliance, Genius, ④ Resourcefulness, Imagination |
殺気(さっき-sa kki) |
Atmosphere of menace, Highly‐charged atmosphere, Thirst for blood, Bloodlust; determination to kill |
士気(しき-shi ki) |
Morale |
志気(しき-shi ki) |
Morale |
湿気(しっき or しっけ-shi kki (or) shi kke) |
Moisture, Humidity, Dampness |
邪気(じゃき-ja ki) |
① Malice, Ill will, ② Bad air, Noxious vapor, Miasma |
臭気(しゅうき-shu u ki) |
Bad smell, Stink, Bad smell, Offensive smell, Vile smell, Foul odor |
酒気(しゅき-shu ki) |
Smell of sake, Odor of liquor, Alcoholic smell |
正気(しょうき or せいき-sho u ki (or) se i ki) |
Sanity, Consciousness, Soberness, Lucidity |
蒸気(じょうき-jo u ki) |
Steam, Vapor |
生気(せいき-se i ki) |
Vital spirit, Animus, Life, Animation |
精気(せいき-se i ki) |
(Mind and) spirit. Life energy, Vitality, Essence |
大気(たいき-ta i ki) |
Air, Atmosphere |
短気(たんき-ta n ki) |
Short temper, Quick temper, Hot temper, Impatience, Irritability |
暖気(だんき-da n ki) |
Warmth, Warm weather |
強気(つよき-tsu yo ki) |
① Bullishness, Bull-bear position, Strong feeling, Strong sentiment, ② Confident, Assured, Self-assured, Firm, Strong, Cocksure |
天気(てんき-te n ki) |
Weather |
電気(でんき-de n ki) |
Electricity |
怒気(どき-do ki) |
Anger, Wrath |
人気(にんき-ni n ki) |
Popularity, Public favor |
人気(ひとけ-hi to ke) |
Sign of life, Human presence |
呑気 or 暢気 or 暖気(のんき-no n ki) |
Easygoing, Carefree, Happy-go-lucky, Optimistic, Leisurely, Careless, Thoughtless |
排気(はいき-ha i ki) |
① Exhaust, Emission (of gas from an engine), ② Expulsion (of air), Ventilation |
覇気(はき-ha ki) |
Ambition, Aspiration |
病気(びょうき-byo u ki) |
Disease, Sickness, Illness |
平気(へいき-he i ki) |
① Calm, Cool, Unmoved, Indifferent, ② All right, Fine; OK |
夜気(やき-ya ki) |
Night air |
勇気(ゆうき-yu u ki) |
Courage, Bravery |
冷気(れいき-re i ki) |
Chill, Cold, Cold air |
霊気(れいき-re i ki) |
Aura, Mysterious presence, Mysterious atmosphere, Aura of mystery |
和気(わき-wa ki) |
Harmonious atmosphere |