0305-Jouyou-kanji “気” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Air” or “Atmosphere” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “気”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “気” means “Spirit”, “Feeling” or “Consciousness” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "気"

Jouyou Kanji “気”

Jouyou Kanji "気" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “気” Stroke Order

Stroke # 6 Strokes
On-Yomi き(ki)
Kun-Yomi いき(iki)
Meanings Steam, Gas, Air
Weather(Nature activities of Earth)
Unseen signs, feelings and sense
Unseen actions and phenomena
Works of mind and spirit
Temperament, Disposition
Smell, Scent, Odor

Kanji words which contain Kanji “気”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
気合(きあい-ki a i) Fighting spirit, Concentrated mind for fighting, Motivation, Effort, Kiai, Short shout when performing an attacking move
気圧(きあつ-ki a tsu) Barometric pressure, Atmospheric pressure, Air pressure
気韻(きいん-ki i n) Dignity, Refinement (of art or sentence etc)
気宇(きう-ki u) Mind set, Mental attitude, Width of mind, Breadth of mind, Generosity, Magnanimity
気受け(きうけ-ki u ke) Feelings, Favor, Popularity, Reception
気鬱(きうつ-ki u tsu) Depression, Gloom, Mental depression
気運(きうん-ki u n) Tendency of the society, Momentum of one’s around
気鋭(きえい-ki e i) Energetic, Spirited
気炎 or 気焔(きえん-ki e n) ① Vigorous frame, ② Vivid spirit, High spirits
気負う(きおう-ki o u) Be mindful, To rouse oneself, Be eager to do
気後れ(きおくれ-ki o ku re) Losing one’s nerve, Feeling awkward, Feeling timid, Feeling hesitant, Feeling nervous, Feeling diffident, Being daunted
気落ち(きおち-ki o chi) Discouraged, Dispirited, Despondent
気重(きおも-ki o mo) Heavy-hearted
気温(きおん-ki o n) Air temperature, Atmospheric temperature
気化(きか-ki ka) Vaporization, Evaporation
気概(きがい-ki ga i) Spirit, Strong spirit, Mettle, Guts
気が置ける(きがおける-ki ga o ke ru) Can’t open one’s mind, Can’t be honest mannar
気兼ね(きがね-ki ga ne) Constraint, Feeling hesitant, Being afraid of troubling someone
気が引ける(きがひける-ki ga hi ke ru) To feel awkward, To feel ashamed, To feel inferior, To feel shy (about doing something)
気が触れる(きがふれる-ki ga fu re ru) To go mad, To go crazy, To lose one’s mind
気軽(きがる-ki ga ru) Light-hearted, Carefree, Buoyant, Lighthearted, Sprightly
気管(きかん-ki ka n) Trachea, Windpipe
気管支(きかんし-ki ka n shi) Bronchus
気球(ききゅう-ki kyu u) Balloon, Aerostat
気侠(ききょう-ki kyo u) Chivalrous spirit, Chivalry
気位(きぐらい-ki gu ra i) Haughtiness, Pride, Self-regard, Self-respect
気苦労(きぐろう-ki gu ro u) Anxiety, Worry, Mental exhaustion
気孔(きこう-ki ko u) Stoma, Pore, Stigma, Vesicle
気功(きこう-ki ko u) Qigong, Breathing exercise, Breath control,Spirit cultivation, Chi kung
気候(きこう-ki ko u) Climate
気心(きごころ-ki go ko ro) Temper, One’s thought
気骨(きこつ-ki ko tsu) Backbone, Grit, Mettle, Indomitable spirit
気根(きこん-ki ko n) ① Aerial root, ② Mental energy, Stamina, Perseverance
気障(きざ-ki za) Unnatural, Affected, Self-satisfied, Smug, Pompous, Conceited, Snobby, Pretentious
気質(きしつ or かたぎ-ki shi tsu (or) ka ta gi) Temperament, Disposition, Nature, Mentality, Spirit, Character, Trait
気性(きしょう-ki sho u) Disposition, Temperament, Temper, Nature
気象(きしょう-ki sho u) ① Weather (conditions), ② Disposition, Temperament
気象台(きしょうだい-ki sho u da i) Meteorological observatory
気象庁(きしょうちょう-ki sho u cho u) Meteorological Agency
気丈(きじょう-ki jo u) Stout-hearted, Firm, Courageous, Brave, Tough
気色(きしょく-ki ha ku) ① Looks, Countenance, ② Feeling, Spirits, Mood
気色(けしき-ke shi ki) Appearance, Scenery, Sign, Indication, Landscape
気随(きずい-ki zu i) Willful, As one pleases, Self-willed, Selfish
気勢(きせい-ki se i) Fervor, Vigor, Ardor, Spirit
気節(きせつ-ki se tsu) Noble spirit, Noble sentiment
気絶(きぜつ-ki ze tsu) Faint, Fainting, Losing consciousness
気息(きそく-ki so ku) Breathing, Breath
気息奄々(きそくえんえん-ki so ku e n e n) Gasping for breath, At one’s last gasp, Breathing feebly, On the brink of death, More dead than alive
気体(きたい-ki ta i) Gas, Vapor, Gaseous body
気団(きだん-ki da n) Air mass
気付(きつけ-ki tsu ke) ① Encouragement, Cheering (someone) up, ② Restoring (someone) to consciousness, Bringing (someone) around, ③ Restorative, Stimulant, Pick-me-up, Tonic
気付 or 気附(きづけ-ki du ke) (used in addresses after the name of a company, organization etc) care of, c/o
気詰まり(きづまり-ki du ma ri) Constrained, Uncomfortable, Awkward
気転 or 機転(きてん-ki te n) Quick‐wittedness, Tactfulness
気取る(きどる -ki do ru) Pose, Posture, To be affected, To put on airs
気取る(けどる-ke do ru) To suspect, To sense
気に病む(きにやむ-ki ni ya mu) To worry (about), To fret (over), To be anxious
気抜け(きぬけ-ki nu ke) ① Dispiritedness, Dejection, Languor, Lethargy, Apathy, ② Going flat (of a carbonated drink, beer etc)
気嚢(きのう-ki no u) Air bladder (for fish), Air sac (for birds and plants)
気乗り(きのり-ki no ri) Interest, Enthusiasm
気魄(きはく-ki ha ku) Spirit, Soul, Drive, Vigor
気は心(きはこころ-ki wa ko ko ro) It’s the thought that counts
気晴らし(きばらし-ki ba ra shi) Recreation, Diversion, Relaxation
気張る(きばる-ki ba ru) Exert oneself, Make an effort, To go all out
気品(きひん-ki hi n) Elegance, Refinement, Grace, Dignity
気風(きふう-ki fu u) Character, Traits, Ethos
気分(きぶん-ki bu n) Mood, Temper, Feeling
気分転換(きぶんてんかん-ki bu n te n ka n) Change of pace, Change of mood, (Mental) break (e.g. going for a walk), Refreshment
気泡(きほう-ki ho u) Blister, Bubble
気前(きまえ-ki ma e) Generosity
気紛れ(きまぐれ-ki ma gu re) Whim, Caprice, Capricious, Fickle, Whimsical, Impulsive, Changeable, Temperamental
気儘(きまま-ki ma ma) ① Willful, Selfish, Self-centered, Egoistic, ② Carefree, Do-as-you-please, Freewheeling, Free spirited
気味(きみ-ki mi) ① Sensation, Feeling, ② Tendency, Propensity
気密(きみつ-ki mi tsu) Airtight, Sealed
気脈(きみゃく-ki mya ku) Tacit understanding, Connection (of thoughts), Dark connection, Secret understanding
気持ち(きもち-ki mo chi) ① Feeling, Sensation, Mood, State of mind, ② Preparedness, Readiness, Attitude, ③ Thought, Sentiment, Consideration, Solicitude, Gratitude, ④ Slightly, A bit, A little
気安い(きやすい-ki ya su i) Comfortable, Comfy, Familiar, Friendly
気休め(きやすめ-ki ya su me) Mere consolation, Temporary peace of mind
気楽(きらく-ki ra ku) Carefree, Comfortable, At ease, Easygoing, Happy-go-lucky
気流(きりゅう-ki ryu u) Airflow, Atmospheric current, Air current
気力(きりょく-ki ryo ku) Vitality, Vigor, Spirit, Willpower, Energy
気を吐く(きをはく-ki wo ha ku) Make a good showing, Be very successful
気を回す(きをまわす-ki wo ma wa su) To read too much into things, To get wrong ideas by letting one’s imagination run wild, To have a groundless suspicion
気を許す(きをゆるす-ki wo yu ru su) Be off one’s guard, To let one’s guard down
気高い(けだかい-ke da ka i) Sublime, Noble, High-minded
気配(けはい-ke ha i) Indication, Sign, Hint, Sensation, Feeling
意気(いき-i ki) Spirit, Heart, Disposition
陰気(いんき-ki n ki) ① Gloomy, Dismal, Miserable, Melancholy, ② Spirit of yin
英気(えいき-e i ki) ① Vigor, Willpower, ② Great wisdom, Excellent disposition
鋭気(えいき-e i ki) Courage, Ardor, High spirits
堅気(かたぎ-ka ta gi) Honest, Respectable, Decent, Person in a respectable occupation
活気(かっき-ka kki) Energy, Vigor, Liveliness, Spirit, Life, Animation
脚気(かっけ-ka kke) Beriberi, Severe thiamine deficiency
寒気(かんき-ka n ki) Cold air
寒気(さむけ-sa mu ke) Chill, The shivers, Shivering fit
換気(かんき-ka n ki) Ventilation, Air infiltration
狂気(きょうき-kyo u ki) Insanity, Madness, Rabidity, Rabidness
空気(くうき-ku u ki) ① Air, Atmosphere, ② Mood, Situation, ③ Person with no presence, Person who doesn’t stand out at all
血気(けっき-ke kki) Vigor, Ardor, High spirits
元気(げんき-ge n ki) ① Lively, Full of spirit, Energetic, Vigorous, Vital, Spirited, ② Healthy, Well, Fit, In good health
豪気 or 剛気(ごうき-go u ki) Sturdy spirit. Bold, Daring, Brave, Valiant, Undaunted, Stouthearted
根気(こんき-ko n ki) Patience, Perseverance, Endurance
才気(さいき-sa i ki) ① Sapience, Wisdom, ② Brain, Learning ability, Mental capacity, Wit, Brainpower, ③ Brilliance, Genius, ④ Resourcefulness, Imagination
殺気(さっき-sa kki) Atmosphere of menace, Highly‐charged atmosphere, Thirst for blood, Bloodlust; determination to kill
士気(しき-shi ki) Morale
志気(しき-shi ki) Morale
湿気(しっき or しっけ-shi kki (or) shi kke) Moisture, Humidity, Dampness
邪気(じゃき-ja ki) ① Malice, Ill will, ② Bad air, Noxious vapor, Miasma
臭気(しゅうき-shu u ki) Bad smell, Stink, Bad smell, Offensive smell, Vile smell, Foul odor
酒気(しゅき-shu ki) Smell of sake, Odor of liquor, Alcoholic smell
正気(しょうき or せいき-sho u ki (or) se i ki) Sanity, Consciousness, Soberness, Lucidity
蒸気(じょうき-jo u ki) Steam, Vapor
生気(せいき-se i ki) Vital spirit, Animus, Life, Animation
精気(せいき-se i ki) (Mind and) spirit. Life energy, Vitality, Essence
大気(たいき-ta i ki) Air, Atmosphere
短気(たんき-ta n ki) Short temper, Quick temper, Hot temper, Impatience, Irritability
暖気(だんき-da n ki) Warmth, Warm weather
強気(つよき-tsu yo ki) ① Bullishness, Bull-bear position, Strong feeling, Strong sentiment, ② Confident, Assured, Self-assured, Firm, Strong, Cocksure
天気(てんき-te n ki) Weather
電気(でんき-de n ki) Electricity
怒気(どき-do ki) Anger, Wrath
人気(にんき-ni n ki) Popularity, Public favor
人気(ひとけ-hi to ke) Sign of life, Human presence
呑気 or 暢気 or 暖気(のんき-no n ki) Easygoing, Carefree, Happy-go-lucky, Optimistic, Leisurely, Careless, Thoughtless
排気(はいき-ha i ki) ① Exhaust, Emission (of gas from an engine), ② Expulsion (of air), Ventilation
覇気(はき-ha ki) Ambition, Aspiration
病気(びょうき-byo u ki) Disease, Sickness, Illness
平気(へいき-he i ki) ① Calm, Cool, Unmoved, Indifferent, ② All right, Fine; OK
夜気(やき-ya ki) Night air
勇気(ゆうき-yu u ki) Courage, Bravery
冷気(れいき-re i ki) Chill, Cold, Cold air
霊気(れいき-re i ki) Aura, Mysterious presence, Mysterious atmosphere, Aura of mystery
和気(わき-wa ki) Harmonious atmosphere


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