0294-Jouyou-kanji “岸” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Coast” or “Bank” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “岸”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “岸” means “Shore”, “Bluff” or “Waterside” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "岸"

Jouyou Kanji “岸”

Jouyou Kanji "岸" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “岸” Stroke Order

Stroke # 8 Strokes
On-Yomi がん(gan)
Kun-Yomi きし(kishi)
Meanings Bank, Shore, Waterside, Beach
Cliff, Edge

Kanji words which contain Kanji “岸”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
岸上(がんじょう-ga n jo u) Bank, Shore, By the shore
岸頭(がんとう-ga n to u) Shore, Wharf
岸壁(がんぺき-ga n pe ki) ① Quay, Wharf, Pier, ② steep cliff
岸辺(きしべ-ki shi be) Shore, Bank, Coast
沿岸(えんがん-e n ga n) Coast, Shore, The area along the sea, river or lake etc
海岸(かいがん-ka i ga n) Sea shore, Coast, Beach
河岸(かがん-ka ga n) ① Riverside, Riverbank, ② Fish market
湖岸(こがん-ko ga n) Lake shore
接岸(せつがん-se tsu ga n) Shore berthing, Putting close a ship to the quay or land
対岸(たいがん-ta i ga n) ① Opposite shore, ② Other side
断岸(だんがん-da n ga n) Steep cliff, Bluff, Precipice
彼岸(ひがん-hi ga n) ① Equinoctial week, ② Buddhist services during the equinoctial week, ③ Nirvana, ④ Opposite bank, Opposite shore, Shore on the other side
両岸(りょうがん-ryo u ga n) Both banks (of a river)


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