0290-Jouyou-kanji “艦” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Warship” or “Battleship” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “艦”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “艦” means “Vessel”, “Battleship” or “Military ship” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "艦"

Jouyou Kanji “艦”

Jouyou Kanji "艦" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “艦” Stroke Order

Stroke # 21 Strokes
On-Yomi かん(kan)
Kun-Yomi いくさぶね(ikusabune)
Meanings Warship, Battleship

Kanji words which contain Kanji “艦”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
艦橋(かんきょう-ka n kyo u) Bridge (of battleship), Flying bridge
艦型(かんけい-ka n ke i) Type of warship
艦載(かんさい-ka n sa i) Carried on board a warship
艦載機(かんさいき-ka n sa i ki) Carrier-based aircraft, Ship aeroplane
艦首(かんしゅ-ka n shu) Bow of the warship
艦船(かんせん-ka n se n) Warships and vessels, Naval vessels, Ships
艦隊(かんたい-ka n ta i) Fleet, Armada
艦長(かんちょう-ka n cho u) Captain of a warship, Skipper
艦艇(かんてい-ka n te i) Warship, Naval vessel, Ship
艦尾(かんび-ka n bi) Warship stern
艦砲(かんぽう-ka n po u) Ship’s guns, Naval gun
艦砲射撃(かんぽうしゃげき-ka n po u sha ge ki) Naval gunfire, Naval bombardment
艦齢(かんれい-ka n re i) ① Age of a warship, ② Warship usable years
旗艦(きかん-ki ka n) Flagship, Tactical command ship
巨艦(きょかん-kyo ka n) Large warship, Leviathan
駆逐艦(くちくかん-ku chi ku ka n) Destroyer, Torpedo boat destroyer
軍艦(ぐんかん-gu n ka n) Warship, Battleship
巡洋艦(じゅんようかん-ju n yo u ka n) Cruiser, Cruiser warship
乗艦(じょうかん-jo u ka n) Joining one’s warship, Embarkment, Embarkation, Boarding
戦艦(せんかん-se n ka n) Battleship, Battlewagon
砲艦(ほうかん-ho u ka n) Gunboat


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