“Ring” or “Circle” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “環”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “環” means “Loop”, “Hoop” or “Annulus” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “環”

Jouyou Kanji “環” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
17 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
かん(kan) |
Kun-Yomi |
たまき(tamaki) |
わ(wa) |
めぐ(る)(megu(ru)) |
Meanings |
(A kind of Japanese) Gem |
Ring (and ring shaped things) |
Surround, Enclose |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “環”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
環海(かんかい-ka n ka i) |
Surrounding seas, Surrounded by the sea |
環境(かんきょう-ka n kyo u) |
Environment, Circumstances, Surroundings |
環視(かんし-ka n shi) |
① Looking around, Looking about, ② To be surrounded and watched by a large number of people |
環礁(かんしょう-ka n sho u) |
Atoll |
環状(かんじょう-ka n jo u) |
Annulation, Ring form, Loop, Circular |
環流(かんりゅう-ka n ryu u) |
Convection, Reflux, Rotary flow |
環列(かんれつ-ka n re tsu) |
To line up around, To line up in a circle |
金環(きんかん-ki n ka n) |
① Gold ring, Metal ring, ② Corona |
循環(じゅんかん-ju n ka n) |
Circulation, Cycle, Rotation |
耳環 or 耳輪(みみわ-mi mi wa) |
Earring (non-pierced) |
指環 or 指輪(ゆびわ-yu bi wa) |
Finger ring |
苧環(おだまき-o da ma ki) |
① Spool, Reel, ② Columbine |