0284-Jouyou-kanji “還” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Return” or “Put back” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “還”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “還” means “Repatriation”, “Restore” or “Go around” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "還"

Jouyou Kanji “還”

Jouyou Kanji "還" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “還” Stroke Order

Stroke # 16 Strokes
On-Yomi かん(kan)
Kun-Yomi かえ(る)(kae(ru))
Meanings Return, Put back, Restore
Go around, Circulate
Again, Once more

Kanji words which contain Kanji “還”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
還御(かんぎょ-ka n gyo) The Emperor’s return, Return of noble person from outside
還啓(かんけい-ka n ke i) Return to the palace (of the empress, crown prince etc)
還元(かんげん-ka n ge n) ① Returning things to their original shape, nature, state, etc ② Reduction, Deoxidization
還幸(かんこう-ka n ko u) ① Return of the emperor from outside, ② Return of a shintai to its shrine
還付(かんぷ-ka n pu) Return, Refund, Restoration
還暦(かんれき-ka n re ki) One’s 60th birthday
還俗(げんぞく-ge n zo ku) Secularization, To return to secular life
往還(おうかん-o u ka n) Thoroughfare, Traffic, Highway
帰還(きかん-ki ka n) ① Return, Repatriation, ② Feedback (in an electronic circuit, biological system etc)
償還(しょうかん-sho u ka n) Reimbursement, Repayment, Redemption, Amortization, Amortisation
生還(せいかん-se i ka n) Returning alive, Surviving
送還(そうかん-so u ka n) Sending back, Repatriation, Deportation, Extradition
返還(へんかん-he n ka n) Return, Restoration
奉還(ほうかん-ho u ka n) Restoring to the emperor


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