Japanese Jouyou-kanji “感” means “Sensation”, “Emotion” or “Impression” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
感恩(かんおん or かんのん-ka n o n (or) ka n no n) |
Gratitude, Gratefulness, Thanking, Thanksgiving |
感化(かんか-ka n ka) |
Influence, Impact, Impingement, Encroachment |
感懐(かんかい-ka n ka i) |
Impression |
感慨(かんがい-ka n ga i) |
Deep emotion, Strong feelings |
感慨深い(かんがいぶかい-ka n ga i bu ka i) |
Impressive, Deeply emotive |
感慨無量(かんがいむりょう-ka n ga i mu ryo u) |
Being filled with deep emotion, Deep emotion |
感覚(かんかく-ka n ka ku) |
Sense, Feeling |
感官(かんかん-ka n ka n) |
Sense organ, Sensory receptor |
感泣(かんきゅう-ka n kyu u) |
Being moved to tears |
感興(かんきょう-ka n kyo u) |
Interest, Fun, Inspiration |
感吟(かんぎん-ka n gi n) |
Emotional chanting or recitation |
感激(かんげき-ka n ge ki) |
Deep emotion, Deep impression, Excitement of mind |
感光(かんこう-ka n ko u) |
Photochemical reaction, A phenomenon in which a physical or chemical reaction occurs due to light |
感謝(かんしゃ-ka n sha) |
Thanks, Appreciation |
感受(かんじゅ-ka n ju) |
Reception, Perception |
感受性(かんじゅせい-ka n ju se i) |
Sensitivity, Susceptibility, Sensitiveness |
感傷(かんしょう-ka n sho u) |
Sentiment, Sentimentality |
感傷的(かんしょうてき-ka n sho u te ki) |
Sentimental, Emotional |
感状(かんじょう-ka n jo u) |
Commendation, Citation, Letter of commendation |
感情(かんじょう-ka n jo u) |
Emotion, Feeling, Sentiment |
感触(かんしょく-ka n sho ku) |
① Feel (of something), Touch, Texture, Sensation, ② Impression, Feeling |
感心(かんしん-ka n shi n) |
Admiration, Being impressed, Admirable, Praiseworthy, Astonishment, Being appalled |
感性(かんせい-ka n se i) |
Sensibility, Susceptibility, Sensitiveness, Sensitive, Sensitivity |
感染(かんせん-ka n se n) |
① Infection, Contagion, Becoming infected, ② Being influenced (by) |
感想(かんそう-ka n so u) |
Impressions, Thoughts, Feelings, Reactions |
感嘆 or 感歎(かんたん-ka n ta n) |
Admiration, Wonder, Astonishment |
感嘆符 or 感歎符(かんたんふ-ka n ta n fu) |
Exclamation mark, Exclamation point |
感知(かんち-ka n chi) |
Sensing, Detection, Perception |
感通(かんつう-ka n tsu u) |
To be able to sense other one’s thought or feeling |
感電(かんでん-ka n de n) |
Electroshock, Electric shock |
感度(かんど-ka n do) |
Sensitivity |
感動(かんどう-ka n do u) |
Being deeply moved emotionally, Excitement, Inspiration, Deep emotion, Strong impression |
感得(かんとく-ka n to ku) |
Profound realization, Awareness, Appreciation, Becoming (spiritually) awakened, Obtaining (something) unexpectedly |
感応(かんのう or かんおう-ka n no u (or) ka n o u) |
① Divine response (e.g. to a prayer), Divine inspiration, ② Responsiveness, Sensitivity, Sympathizing ③ Induction (electromagnetism), Inducing |
感佩(かんぱい-ka n pa i) |
Deep gratitude, Heartfelt appreciation, Not forgetting to express one’s gratitude |
感服(かんぷく-ka n pu ku) |
Admiration, Being impressed (by) |
感奮(かんぷん-ka n pu n) |
Stirred up, Inspired, Moved to action |
感冒(かんぼう-ka n bo u) |
Flu, Cold, Common cold |
感銘(かんめい-ka n me i) |
Deep impression, Being deeply moved, Being deeply touched |
感涙(かんるい-ka n ru i) |
Tears of gratitude |
音感(おんかん-o n ka n) |
Acoustic sensitivity, Sense of sound, Sense of pitch |
快感(かいかん-ka i ka n) |
Pleasant feeling, Pleasant sensation, Pleasure |
共感(きょうかん-kyo u ka n) |
Empathy, Sympathy, Relate |
好感(こうかん-ko u ka n) |
Good feeling, Good will, Favorable impression |
所感(しょかん-sho ka n) |
Impressions, Remark, Thoughts, Feelings |
同感(どうかん-do u ka n) |
Same feeling, Same sentiment, Same opinion, Sympathy, Concurrence |
鈍感(どんかん-do n ka n) |
Stolidity, Dull, Insensible, Unaffected |
反感(はんかん-ha n ka n) |
Antipathy, Antagonism, Animosity, Revulsion, Ill feeling |
敏感(びんかん-bi n ka n) |
Sensitive, Alert, Alive, Awake |
予感(よかん-yo ka n) |
Omen, Premonition, Presage, Presentiment, Hunch |
霊感(れいかん-re i ka n) |
Inspiration, Afflatus |
六感(ろっかん-ro kka n) |
Intuition, Inspiration, The six senses |