0270-Jouyou-kanji “間” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Space” or “Interval” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “間”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “間” means “Room”, “During” or “Relation” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "間"

Jouyou Kanji “間”

Jouyou Kanji "間" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “間” Stroke Order

Stroke # 12 Strokes
On-Yomi かん(kan)
Kun-Yomi あいだ(aida)
Meanings Between, Among, Halfway
During, While
Space, Interval, Gap
Room, Space
Calm, Quiet, Peaceful
secretly, Stealthily
(Unit for measuring length)

Kanji words which contain Kanji “間”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
間着(あいぎ-a i gi) Between-season wear, Spring and autumn clothing
間柄(あいだがら-a i da ga ra) Relationship
間服(あいふく-a i fu ku) Between-season wear, Spring and autumn clothing
間一髪(かんいっぱつ-ka n i ppa tsu) (Escape) by a hair’s breadth, Narrow escape
間隔(かんかく-ka n ka ku) Interval, Space
間隙(かんげき-ka n ge ki) Gap, Crevice, Split
間欠 or 間歇(かんけつ-ka n ke tsu) Intermittence, Intermittent
間欠泉 or 間歇泉(かんけつせん-ka n ke tsu se n) Geyser, Intermittent spring
間作(かんさく-ka n sa ku) Catch crop, Intercropping
間者(かんじゃ-ka n ja) Spy, Secret agent, Undercover agent
間色(かんしょく-ka n sho ku) Compound color
間食(かんしょく-ka n sho ku) Snack, Snack between meal, Between-meal snack
間接(かんせつ-ka n se tsu) Indirection
間接税(かんせつぜい-ka n se tsu ze i) Indirect tax
間然(かんぜん-ka n ze n) Animadversion, Censure
間奏曲(かんそうきょく-ka n so u kyo ku) Interlude
間断(かんだん-ka n da n) Break in time,Interruption, Pause
間諜(かんちょう-ka n cho u) Spy, Undercover agent, Secret agent
間道(かんどう-ka n do u) Side road, Shortcut, By-path
間投詞(かんとうし-ka n to u shi) Interjection
間伐(かんばつ-ka n ba tsu) Liberation cutting, Thinning, Periodic thinning (e.g. forest)
間髪を容れず(かんぱつをいれず-ka n pa tsu wo i re zu) Immediately, Instantly, With nary a pause, Without a moment’s delay
間竿(けんざお-ke n za o) Long measure (a measure of length)
間合い(まあい-ma a i) ① Pause, Interval, ② Distance, Range, Reach, ③ Suitable time, Appropriate opportunity, ④ Distance between opponents (kendo)
間数(まかず-ma ka zu) Number of rooms
間口(まぐち-ma gu chi) ① Frontage, Width (of a building, plot of land etc), ② Breadth (e.g. of one’s knowledge), Scope (e.g. of one’s work), Range
間尺(ましゃく-ma sha ku) Measuring rope with “ken(間)” (182cm) marked, Measurement
間代(まだい-ma da i) Eoom rent
間近(まじか-ma ji ka) Near, Close (to), Nearby
間違い(まちがい-ma chi ga i) ① Mistake, Error, Blunder, ② Accident, Mishap, Trouble, ③ Indiscretion
間遠(まどお-ma do o) At long distance, In long intervals
間取り(まどり-ma do ri) Layout (of a house or apartment), Arrangement of rooms
間抜け(まぬけ-ma nu ke) Stupid, Foolish, Idiotic, Inane, Fool, Blockhead
間延び(まのび-ma no bi) ① Taking a long time, Slowness, Sluggishness, ② Lack of firmness, Looseness, Slovenliness
間引き(まびき-ma bi ki) ① Thinning out, Pruning, Culling, Curtailing, Sub-sampling (e.g. video frames, signals), ② Infanticide
居間(いま-i ma) Sitting room, Living room
行間(ぎょうかん-gyo u ka n) Space between the lines, Line-spacing in text
空間(くうかん-ku u ka n) Space, Room, Airspace
時間(じかん-ji ka n) ① Hour, Time, ② Period, Class, Lesson
週間(しゅうかん-shu u ka n) Week
世間(せけん-se ke n) World, Society, People, Public
土間(どま-do ma) Floor mold, Dirt floor, Room with dirt floor
人間(にんげん-ni n ge n) Human, Human being, Mankind, Humankind
民間(みんかん-mi n ka n) ① Private, Non-governmental, Non-official, Civilian, Civil, ② Folk, Popular


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