0248-Jouyou-kanji “刊” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Publication” or “Edition” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “刊”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “刊” means “Engrave”, “Scrape” or “Publication frequency” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "刊"

Jouyou Kanji “刊”

Jouyou Kanji "刊" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “刊” Stroke Order

Stroke # 5 Strokes
On-Yomi かん(kan)
Kun-Yomi けず(る)(kezu(ru))
Meanings Shave, Plane, Scrape
Carve, Engrave, Chisel
Publish, Issue

Kanji words which contain Kanji “刊”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
刊行(かんこう-ka n ko u) Publication, Issue
刊本(かんぽん-ka n po n) Published book, Printed book
季刊(きかん-ki ka n) Quarterly (publication)
既刊(きかん-ki ka n) Previously published, Already published
休刊(きゅうかん-kyu u ka n) Suspension of publication
月刊(げっかん-ge kka n) Monthly (publication)
公刊(こうかん-ko u ka n) Publication, Publication for the general public
週刊(しゅうかん-shu u ka n) Weekly (publication)
旬刊(じゅんかん-ju n ka n) Publishing every ten days
新刊(しんかん-shi n ka n) New book, New publication
創刊(そうかん-so u ka n) Foundation (of a newspaper or magazine etc), Starting, First publication
増刊(ぞうかん-zo u ka n) Special issue, Issuing an extra number
朝刊(ちょうかん-cho u ka n) Morning newspaper, Morning edition, Morning issue
停刊(ていかん-te i ka n) To stop publishing
日刊(にっかん-ni kka n) Daily publication, Daily issue
廃刊(はいかん-ha i ka n) Discontinuance of publication, Ceasing to publish
発刊(はっかん-ha kka n) Publication, Issue, Launching a publication
夕刊(ゆうかん-yu u ka n) Evening edition, Evening newspaper


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