Japanese Jouyou-kanji “干” means “Drain”, “Drought” or “Interference” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
干戈(かんか-ka n ka) |
① Shield and halberd, ② Arms, Weapon, ③ Battle, War |
干害 or 旱害(かんがい-ka n ga i) |
Drought damage |
干支(かんし or えと-ka n shi (or) e to) |
East asia Zodiac, Sexagenary cycle |
干渉(かんしょう-ka n sho u) |
Interfere, Meddle |
干城(かんじょう-ka n jo u) |
Defending soldier |
干拓(かんたく-ka n ta ku) |
Land reclamation, Reclamation by drainage |
干拓地(かんたくち-ka n ta ku chi) |
Reclaimed land, Polder |
干潮(かんちょう-ka n cho u) |
Ebb tide, Low tide, Low water |
干天 or 旱天(かんてん-ka n te n) |
① Dry weather, Drought, ② Summer shining sky |
干魃 or 旱魃(かんばつ-ka n ba tsu) |
Drought |
干犯(かんぱん-ka n pa n) |
Infringement, Violation |
干瓢(かんぴょう-ka n pyo u) |
Dried gourd shavings, Dried fruit of white flowered gourd |
干満(かんまん-ka n ma n) |
Tide, Ebb and full tide, Ebb and flow tide |
干与 or 関与(ka n yo) |
Participation, Taking part in, Participating in, Being concerned in |
干潟(ひがた-hi ga ta) |
Tideland, Tidal flat, Beach at ebb tide, Dry beach |
干物 or 乾物(ひもの-hi mo no) |
Dried marine product, Dried fish, Dry provisions, Dried food |
干し飯(ほしい or ほしいい-ho shi i (or) ho shi i i) |
Dried boiled rice (used mainly as provisions of samurai troops and travelers) |
十干(じっかん-ji kka n) |
Heavenly Stems, The ten calendar signs (甲・乙・丙・丁・戊・己・庚・辛・壬・癸) |
若干(じゃっかん-ja kka n) |
Some, Few, A number of, A little (bit), Somewhat, To a certain extent |
満干(まんかん-ma n ka n) |
Tide, Ebb and full tide, Ebb and flow tide |
虫干し(むしぼし-mu shi bo shi) |
Airing of clothes and hanging scrolls etc (to prevent damage from insects and mould) |
欄干(らんかん-ra n ka n) |
Handrail, Railing, Guard rail, Banister, Balustrade, Parapet |