0197-Jouyou-kanji “外” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Outside” or “Exterior” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “外”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “外” means “Open air”, “Somewhere else” or “Outside one’s group” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "外"

Jouyou Kanji “外”

Jouyou Kanji "外" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “外” Stroke Order

Stroke # 5 Strokes
On-Yomi がい(gai)
Kun-Yomi そと(soto)
Meanings Outside
Appearance, Exterior, Surface
Other areas, Other countries
Remove, Take away, Keep away

Kanji words which contain Kanji “外”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
外延(がいえん-ga i e n) A set of objects to which a concept is applied, Extension, Denotation
外苑(がいえん-ga i e n) Outer garden, Detached court
外縁(がいえん-ga i e n) Outer edge, Fringe, Outer boundary, Periphery
外貨(がいか-ga i ka) ① Foreign currency, Foreign money, Foreign exchange, ② Foreign goods, Imported goods
外界(がいかい-ga i ka i) External world, Outside world
外海(がいかい-ga i ka i) Open sea, Ocean
外角(がいかく-ga i ka ku) ① Exterior angle, External angle, ② Outside corner
外客(がいかく-ga i ka ku) Foreign visitor, Foreign guest
外郭(がいかく-ga i ka ku) Outline, Outer fence, Outer shell
外患(がいかん-ga i ka n) Foreign threat, External threat, External pressure, External war
外観(がいかん-ga i ka n) External appearance, Exterior
外気(がいき-ga i ki) Open air, Outdoor air
外宮(がいきゅう-ga i kyu u) The Outer Shrine of Ise
外舅(がいきゅう-ga i kyu u) Father-in-law (of the husband), Wife’s father
外勤(がいきん-ga i ki n) Outside duty, Working away from the office, Working outside the office
外形(がいけい-ga i ke i) External form, Outward form, Appearance
外見(がいけん-ga i ke n) Outward appearance, Looks, Physical appearance
外交(がいこう-ga i ko u) ① Diplomacy, Foreign diplomacy, Foreign policy, Diplomatic intercourse, ② Selling (e.g. door-to-door), Canvassing
外交員(がいこういん-ga i ko u i n) Canvasser, Door-to-door salesman, Salesman, Outside salesman, Traveling salesman
外交家(がいこうか-ga i ko u ka) Diplomatic person, Diplomatist, Diplomat
外交官(がいこうかん-ga i ko u ka n) Foreign service personnel, Diplomatic official, Diplomat
外交辞令(がいこうじれい-ga i ko u ji re i) Diplomatic turn of phrase, Diplomatic language, Tactful way of expressing something
外寇(がいこう-ga i ko u) Foreign invasion, Foreign attack, Foreign force, Alien enemy
外港(がいこう-ga i ko u) Outer port for large city, Outer harbor, Outport
外国(がいこく-ga i ko ku) Foreign country
外債(がいさい-ga i sa i) Foreign loan, Foreign bond
外史(がいし-ga i shi) Unofficial history
外紙(がいし-ga i shi) Foreign newspaper
外資(がいし-ga i shi) Foreign capital, Foreign investment
外耳(がいじ-ga i ji) Outer ear, External ear
外事(がいじ-ga i ji) Foreign affairs
外字新聞(がいじしんぶん-ga i ji shi n bu n) Foreign language newspaper
外出(がいしゅつ-ga i shu tsu) Going out, Outing, Leaving (one’s home, office etc)
外相(がいしょう-ga i sho u) Foreign Minister, Foreign Secretary
外傷(がいしょう-ga i sho u) External wound, External injury, Trauma
外食(がいしょく-ga i sho ku) Eating out, Dining out
外心(がいしん-ga i shi n) Outer center, Circumcenter
外人(がいじん-ga i ji n) Outlander, Foreigner
外征(がいせい-ga i se i) Foreign expedition, Foreign campaign
外戚(がいせき-ga i se ki) Maternal relative, Maternal relation
外接円(がいせつえん-ga i se tsu e n) Circumscribing circle, Circumscribed circle, Circumcircle
外線(がいせん-ga i se n) ① Outdoor electric wire, ② Outside telephone line, ③ Outer line
外祖(がいそ-ga i so) Maternal grandfather, Mother’s father
外孫(がいそん-ga i so n) Grandchild from a daughter married into another family
外地(がいち-ga i chi) Foreign land, Overseas land
外治(がいち-ga i chi) ① Politics for foreign matters, ② Official politics, ③ To repair a wound or disease through surgery
外的(がいてき-ga i te ki) External, Outside
外敵(がいてき-ga i te ki) Foreign enemy, Invader
外伝(がいでん-ga i de n) Supplementary story, Anecdote, Side story, Spin-off
外電(がいでん-ga i de n) Foreign dispatch, Foreign telegram, Cablegram
外套(がいとう-ga i to u) Overcoat, Greatcoat, Cloak, Wrap, Mantle
外灯 or 外燈(がいとう-ga i to u) Outside light
外泊(がいはく-ga i ha ku) Staying somewhere else (overnight), Spending the night away (e.g. from home)
外皮(がいひ-ga i hi) Skin, Outer skin, Integument, Husk, Hull, Shell, Crust, Rind, Envelope, Exodermis, Pellicle
外部(がいぶ-ga i bu) Outside, Exterior, Outside world
外聞(がいぶん-ga i bu n) Reputation, Respectability, Publicity
外貌(がいぼう-ga i bo u) Outward appearance, Outlook
外米(がいまい-ga i ma i) Imported rice, Foreign rice
外務(がいむ-ga i mu) Foreign affairs
外務省(がいむしょう-ga i mu sho u) Ministry of Foreign Affairs
外面(がいめん-ga i me n) Outer surface, Outward appearance, Outside, Exterior
外野(がいや-ga i ya) Outfield, Outsider, Third party
外遊(がいゆう-ga i yu u) Foreign travel
外用(がいよう-ga i yo u) External use, External application
外洋(がいよう-ga i yo u) Ocean, Open ocean
外来(がいらい-ga i ra i) ① Foreign, Imported, ② Outpatient, Outpatient care, Outpatient clinic, Outpatient ward
外来語(がいらいご-ga i ra i go) Loan word, Borrowed word, A word of foreign origin
外力(がいりょく-ga i ryo ku) External force, Outside force, External pressure
外輪山(がいりんざん-ga i ri n za n) Outer rim of a crater, Somma
外科(げか-ge ka) Surgery
外題(げだい-ge da i) ① Title of a play, ② Name of a work of art or literary composition etc, ③ General or descriptive heading for a section of a written work
外典(げてん-ge te n) Non-Buddhist writings
外典(がいてん-ga i te n) Apocrypha
外道(げどう-ge do u) ① Non-Buddhist teachings, Non-Buddhist, ② Heterodoxy, Unorthodoxy, Heresy, Heretic, ③ Demon, Devil, Fiend, Brute, Wretch, ④ Type of fish one did not intend to catch
外法(げほう-ge ho u) Religion other than Buddhism, Thoughts and religions other than Buddhism
外法(そとのり-so to no ri) Outside dimension, Outside measurement, Outer size
外面如菩薩内心如夜叉(がいめんにょぼさつないしんにょやしゃ-ga i me n nyo bo sa tsu na i me n nyo ya sha) Fair face, foul heart
外側(そとがわ-so to ga wa) Exterior, Outside, Outer, External, Lateral
外堀(そとぼり-so to bo ri) Outer moat (of a castle)
外孫(そとまご-so to ma go) Grandchild from a daughter married into another family
外股(そとまた-so to ma ta) (Walking with) one’s toes turned out, Duckfooted
外様(とざま-to za ma) ① Outsider, One not included in the favored group, ② Outside daimyo, Non-Tokugawa daimyo
案外(あんがい-a n ga i) Contrary to expectation, Beyond expectation, More…than one expected
意外(いがい-i ga i) Unexpected, Surprising, Out of the blue, Unanticipated, Unforeseen
域外(いきがい-i ki ga i) Outside the area
院外(いんがい-i n ga i) ① Outside congress, Non-parliamentary, ② Non-hospital (e.g. dispensary, pharmacy, treatment), Outside a hospital
屋外(おくがい-o ku ga i) Outdoors, Outside, Open air
海外(かいがい-ka i ga i) Overseas, Abroad
課外(かがい-ka ga i) Extra‐curriculum
格外(かくがい-ka ku ga i) Off-grade, Exceptional
規定外(きていがい-ki te i ga i) Non-regulated
県外(けんがい-ke n ga i) Outside the prefecture
圏外(けんがい-ke n ga i) Outside (a region, area etc), Out of range (of a mobile network, radar etc), Outside the sphere (of influence etc), Out of reach
郊外(こうがい-ko u ga i) Suburban, Country, Environs, Outskirts
戸外(こがい-ko ga i) Open air, Outdoors, Outside
在外(ざいがい-za i ga i) Staying abroad, Abroad
市外(しがい-shi ga i) Outside the city, Suburbs, Suburban area
室外(しつがい-shi tsu ga i) Outside (the room, building), Outdoors
城外(じょうがい-jo u ga i) Outside a castle
場外(じょうがい-jo u ga i) Outside the hall (or stadium, market etc), Off the grounds, Off the premises, Off-track
除外(じょがい-jo ga i) Exception, Exclusion
心外(しんがい-shi n ga i) ① Regrettable, Vexing, Upsetting, ② Unthinkable, Wholly unexpected
選外(せんがい-se n ga i) Left out of the selection, Left out of choice
疎外(そがい-so ga i) Alienation, Dehumanization, Estrangement, Leaving (someone) out, Casting out, Cutting off, Avoiding, Giving the cold shoulder
存外(ぞんがい-zo n ga i) Beyond expectation, Contrary to expectations, Unexpectedly
中外(ちゅうがい-chu u ga i) ① Home and abroad, Domestic and foreign, ② Inside and outside, Interior and exterior
方外(ほうがい-ho u ga i) Outside of an area, Outside
法外(ほうがい-ho u ga i) Unreasonable, Excessive, Inordinate, Undue, Outrageous, Excessive, Overweening
望外(ぼうがい-bo u ga i) Unexpected (joy, success etc), Unanticipated, Beyond what one hoped, Beyond one’s expectations
野外(やがい-ya ga i) Outdoors, Outside, Open air, Fields, Outskirts, Suburbs
予定外(よていがい-yo te i ga i) Unexpected, Unscheduled, Unforeseen, Unplanned
慮外(りょがい-ryo ga i) ① Unmannered, Rude, Unmannerly, Ill-mannered, Bad-mannered, ② Unexpected, Sudden, ③ Underbred, Lowbred, Ill-bred, Rude, Bounderish, Yokelish
例外(れいがい-re i ga i) Exception


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