Japanese Jouyou-kanji “開” means “Beginning”, “Uncover” or “Spread (one’s arms or legs etc)” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
開運(かいうん-ka i u n) |
Improvement one’s fortune, Getting better fortune |
開演(かいえん-ka i e n) |
Starting (a play), Opening of a performance, Raising the curtain of the stage for play |
開化(かいか-ka i ka) |
Civilization, Enlightenment |
開花(かいか-ka i ka) |
Blooming, Flowering, Blossoming, Coming into bloom |
開会(かいかい-ka i ka i) |
Opening of a meeting, Opening of a session |
開会式(かいかいしき-ka i ka i shi ki) |
Opening ceremony |
開架式(かいかしき-ka i ka shi ki) |
Open shelf system of a library, Open stack system of a library |
開館(かいかん-ka i ka n) |
Opening (of a new library, museum, cinema, hall etc) |
開巻(かいかん-ka i ka n) |
Opening a book |
開眼(かいがん-ka i ga n) |
① Open one’s eyes, ② Gaining eyesight, Restoring eyesight |
開眼(かいげん- ka i ge n) |
① Enlightenment, Spiritual awakening, ② Filling out the eyes (of a Buddha) as the last step of consecrating a new statue or picture |
開基(かいき-ka i ki) |
Founding (of a temple or sect), Founder, Foundation |
開業(かいぎょう-ka i gyo u) |
Opening a business, Opening a practice |
開業医(かいぎょうい-ka i gyo u i) |
Private clinician, Physician in private practice, Practicing physician, Medical practitioner |
開局(かいきょく-ka i kyo ku) |
Opening (of a broadcasting station, post office, bureau etc) |
開襟(かいきん-ka i ki n) |
① Open collar, Unbuttoning a collar, ② Opening up (one’s heart) |
開口(かいこう-ka i ko u) |
① Opening one’s mouth, Beginning to speak, ② Opening, Aperture (e.g. camera) |
開口一番(かいこういちばん-ka i ko u i chi ba n) |
At the very beginning of one’s speech, Immediately upon opening one’s mouth (to speak), Before anything else, First of all |
開校(かいこう-ka i ko u) |
Opening of school |
開港(かいこう-ka i ko u) |
Opening of a port |
開講(かいこう-ka i ko u) |
① Start of a course, Start of lectures, ② Opening of a new course |
開国(かいこく-ka i ko ku) |
① Founding a country, ② Opening of a country to the world, Ending a policy of national seclusion |
開梱(かいこん-ka i ko n) |
Unpacking |
開墾(かいこん-ka i ko n) |
Cultivating new land, Clearing, Reclamation |
開催(かいさい-ka i sa i) |
Opening, Hosting (e.g. the Olympics), Holding (a conference, exhibition etc) |
開削(かいさく-ka i sa ku) |
Excavation, Open cut, Drilling |
開山(かいさん or かいざん-ka i sa n (or) ka i za n) |
Founder of a Buddhist temple, Pioneer, Founder, Founding father, Beginner |
開始(かいし-ka i shi) |
Beginning, Start, Initiation |
開場(かいじょう-ka i jo u) |
Opening (the doors of a venue), Opening, Inauguration (of a new building, facility etc) |
開城(かいじょう-ka i jo u) |
Capitulation, Surrender of a castle, Surrender of a fortress |
開進(かいしん-ka i shi n) |
① Development of culture, Development of culture, ② Shifting of formation |
開設(かいせつ-ka i se tsu) |
Establishment, Opening, Initiation, Foundation |
開戦(かいせん-ka i se n) |
Outbreak of war, Starting a war |
開祖(かいそ-ka i so) |
Founder, Founding father, Beginner, Father |
開拓(かいたく-ka i ta ku) |
① Reclamation, Cultivation, Development, ② Pioneering, Opening up (e.g. of a new market), Breaking new ground |
開帳(かいちょう-ka i cho u) |
① Unveiling (a Buddhist image), Public exhibition (of a Buddhist image), ② Revealing (something that is supposed to remain hidden), ③ Opening (a gambling house), Holding (a gambling party) |
開陳(かいちん-ka i chi n) |
Stating one’s views, Expressing, Disclosure |
開通(かいつう-ka i tsu u) |
① Opening (of a new road, railway etc), Going into operation (e.g. telephone communication), ② Reopening (e.g. of a road to traffic), resumption of services |
開廷(かいてい-ka i te i) |
Opening of court, Opening of trial |
開店(かいてん-ka i te n) |
① Opening of new shop, ② Opening a shop (for the day) |
開店休業(かいてんきゅうぎょう-ka i te n kyu u gyo u) |
Being open but having virtually no business |
開発(かいはつ-ka i ha tsu) |
Development, Exploitation (of resources) |
開闢(かいびゃく-ka i bya ku) |
Offset, Outset, Beginning of the world, Creation |
開票(かいひょう-ka i hyo u) |
Ballot counting, Vote counting |
開封(かいふう-ka i fu u) |
① Opening (a letter, parcel etc), Breaking the seal, ② Unboxing (a product) |
開平(かいへい-ka i he i) |
Extraction of the square root |
開閉(かいへい-ka i he i) |
Opening and shutting, Opening and closing, Switching, Grabbing motion, Make and break, Closing motion |
開閉器(かいへいき-ka i he i ki) |
Circuit breaker, Switch |
開放(かいほう-ka i ho u) |
① Opening (a door, window etc), Leaving open, ② Opening up (e.g. to the public), Allowing (public) access |
開幕(かいまく-ka i ma ku) |
Raising the curtain, Opening (of an event), Start, Beginning |
開明(かいめい-ka i me i) |
Civilization, Enlightenment |
開門(かいもん-ka i mo n) |
Opening of gate |
開立(かいりつ-ka i ri tau) |
Extraction of the cubic root |
開き直る(ひらきなおる-hi ra ki na o ru) |
To become defiant, To fight back, To turn upon, To take the offensive |
公開(こうかい-ko u ka i) |
Opening to the public, Making available to the public, Exhibiting, Unveiling, Release (of a film, information etc), Disclosure, Publication |
散開(さんかい-sa n ka i) |
Deployment, Spreading out, Dispersal |
切開(せっかい-se kka i) |
Surgical incision, Incision, Operation |
打開(だかい-da ka i) |
Disenchantment, To break in the deadlock |
展開(てんかい-te n ka i) |
Development, Unfolding, Evolution, Progression, Expansion, Spreading out, Extending |
半開(はんかい-ha n ka i) |
Half-open, Partly open |
満開(まんかい-ma n ka i) |
Full bloom (esp. of cherry blossom), Full blossom |
未開(みかい-mi ka i) |
① Uncivilized, Primitive, Savage, Wild, ② Undeveloped (land), Unexplored (territory, field etc) |