0182-Jouyou-kanji “海” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Ocean” or “Sea” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “海”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “海” means “Marine”, “Something which has spread enormously” or “Big and wide” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "海"

Jouyou Kanji “海”

Jouyou Kanji "海" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “海” Stroke Order

Stroke # 9 Strokes
On-Yomi かい(kai)
Kun-Yomi うみ(umi)
Meanings Ocean, Sea
Big and wide
The places where many people and things gather

Kanji words which contain Kanji “海”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
海人(あま-a ma) Male diver (who collects shells, seaweed etc), Fisherman
海女(あま or かいじょ-a ma (or) ka i jo) Woman diver, Female diver who collects shells, seaweed etc
海豚(いるか-i ru ka) Dolphin
海原(うなばら-u na ba ra) Ocean, Sea, Surface of ocean
海幸(うみさち-u mi sa chi) Seafood, Foods given from the sea, Products of the sea, Marine products, Fruits of the sea
海千山千(うみせんやません-u mi se n ya ma se n) Old fox, Sly old dog, Cunning and experienced in the ways of the world, Crafty and worldly-wise
海鳴り(うみなり-u mi na ri) Rumbling of the sea
海老(えび or かいろう-e bi (or) ka i ro u) Shrimp, Prawn
海員(かいいん-ka i i n) Seaman, Sailor, Mariner
海運(かいうん-ka i u n) Marine transportation, Shipping
海淵(かいえん-ka i e n) (Ocean) deep, Deepest part of a trench
海王星(かいおうせい-ka i o u se i) Neptune (planet)
海外(かいがい-ka i ga i) Foreign, Abroad, Overseas
海岸(かいがん-ka i ga n) Seashore, Seacoast, Beach
海岸線(かいがんせん-ka i ga n se n) ① Coastline, Shoreline, ② Coastal railway
海関税(かいかんぜい-ka i ka n ze i) Customs duty
海峡(かいきょう-ka i kyo u) Channel, Strait
海軍(かいぐん-ka i gu n) Navy, Naval forces
海月(かいげつ-ka i ge tsu) ① The moon seen over the sea, ② Jellyfish, Medusa
海月(くらげ-ku ra ge) Jellyfish, Medusa
海港(かいこう-ka i ko u) Seaport, Harbor
海溝(かいこう-ka i ko u) Oceanic trench, Deep-sea trench, Deep
海国(かいこく-ka i ko ku) Maritime nation, Sea-girt land, Island country
海産物(かいさんぶつ-ka i sa n bu tsu) Marine products, Seafood
海獣(かいじゅう-ka i ju u) Marine animal, Sea creature, Sea animal, Marine creature,
海床(かいしょう-ka i sho u) Seabed
海嘯(かいしょう-ka i sho u) Tsunami, Tidal wave
海上(かいじょう-ka i jo u) On the sea, Surface of the sea
海上保安庁(かいじょうほあんちょう-ka i jo u ho a n cho u) Japan Coast Guard, Maritime Safety Agency, Maritime Safety Board
海上保険(かいじょうほけん-ka jo u ho ke n) Marine insurance
海神(かいじん-ka i ji n) God of the sea, Poseidon, Neptune
海図(かいず-ka i zu) Sea chart, Marine chart, Hydrographic chart
海水着(かいすいぎ-ka i su i gi) Bathing suit, Swimsuit
海水浴(かいすいよく-ka i su i yo ku) Sea bathing, Swimming in the ocean, Seawater bath
海戦(かいせん-ka i se n) Naval battle, Sea battle, Naval warfare
海藻(かいそう-ka i so u) Seaweed, Marine algae
海賊(かいぞく-ka i zo ku) Pirate, Aea robber, Buccaneer, Freebooter
海内(かいだい-ka i da i) The whole country, Within the four seas
海底(かいてい-ka i te i) Bottom of the ocean, Seafloor, Seabed
海棠(かいどう-ka i do u) Cherry crab, Malus baccata, Cherry apple, Siberian crab, Siberian crab apple
海道(かいどう-ka i do u) ① A road along the coast(especially Tokaido), ② Sea route
海難(かいなん-ka i na n) Accident at sea, Disaster at sea, Shipwreck
海軟風(かいなんぷう-ka i na n pu u) Sea breeze
海馬(かいば-ka i ba) ① Walrus, ② Seahorse, Sea horse, ③ Hippocampus
海馬(せいうち-se i u chi) Walrus
海抜(かいばつ0-ka i ba tsu) Height above sea level, Above mean sea water level
海豹(かいひょう-ka i hyo u) Earless seal, True seal, Hair seal
海風(かいふう-ka i fu u) Sea wind, Sea breeze
海兵(かいへい-ka i he i) Sailor, marine, Buejacket, Navy an
海防(かいぼう-ka i bo u) Coastal defence
海面(かいめん-ka i me n) Surface of the sea, Sea level
海綿(かいめん-ka i me n) Geodia cydonium, Sponge
海門(かいもん-ka i mo n) Strait, Channel
海洋(かいよう-ka i yo u) Ocean, Sea
海洋性気候(かいようせいきこう-ka i yo u se i ki ko u) Oceanic climate
海容(かいよう-ka i yo u) Forgiveness, Pardon, Excuse
海里(かいり-ka i ri) Nautical mile, Sea mile
海流(かいりゅう-ka i ryu u) Oceanic current, Ocean current, Ocean stream
海路(かいろ-ka i ro) Sea route, Sea-lane, Seaway
海苔(のり-no ri) Laver, Purple laver, Seaweed
雲海(うんかい-u n ka i) Sea of clouds
外海(がいかい or そとうみ-ga i ka i (or) so to u mi) Open sea, Ocean
河海(かかい-ka ka i) Rivers and seas
学海(がっかい-ga kka i) Field of learning
官海(かんかい-ka n ka i) Official world, Officialdom
巨海(きょかい or こかい-kyo ka i (or) ko ka i) Ocean, Giant sea
苦海(くかい-ku ka i) Sea of suffering, Human realm
航海(こうかい-ko u ka i) Voyage, Navigation, Cruise
四海(しかい-shi ka i) The whole world, The world, The four seas
青海(せいかい-se i ka i) ① Blue sea, ② Qinghai province (of China)
絶海(ぜっかい-ze kka i) Distant seas, Farthest seas
滄海(そうかい-so u ka i) Blue sea, Wide blue sea, Blue waters
掃海(そうかい-so u ka i) Sweeping the sea for mines, Dragging for mines, Sweeping, Minesweeping
大海(たいかい-ta i ak i) Ocean, Large sea
東海(とうかい-to u ka i) ① Tōkai region, Region south of Tokyo on the Pacific Ocean side of Japan, ② East Sea (Korean name for the Sea of Japan)
渡海(とかい-to ka i) Crossing the sea
内海(ないかい or うちうみ-na i ka i (or) u chi u mi) Inland sea, Inlet, Gulf, Bay
南海(なんかい-na n ak i) Southern sea
碧海(へきかい-he ki ka i) Blue sea, Blue expanse of water
辺海(へんかい-he n a i) Nearby sea, Sea near land
北海(ほっかい-ho kka i) The North Sea, North Sea
陸海(りくかい0-ri ku ka i) ① Land and sea, ② Army and navy
領海(りょうかい-ryo u ka i) Territorial sea, Territorial waters, Offshore territory


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