Japanese Jouyou-kanji “改” means “Improve”, “Innovation” or “Revise” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
改悪(かいあく-ka i a ku) |
Changing for the worse, Deterioration, Worsening, Disimprovement |
改印(かいいん-ka i i n) |
Changing one’s registered seal |
改易(かいえき-ka i e ki) |
Change of rank, Modify, Alter, Change |
改革(かいかく-ka i ka ku) |
Reform, Innovation, Reformation, Reorganization |
改行(かいぎょう-ka i gyo u) |
New line (of the sentence), Line feed, Line break |
改元(かいげん-ka i ge n) |
Changing the name of era |
改悟(かいご-ka i go) |
Repentance, contrition |
改稿(かいこう-ka i ko u) |
① Rewriting, Revising (the manuscript), ② Revised manuscript |
改号(かいごう-ka i go u) |
Change of name, Change of title, change of era |
改作(かいさく-ka i sa ku) |
Adaptation (of story), Recast |
改札(かいさつ-ka i sa tsu) |
Examination of tickets, Ticket gate, Ticket barrier |
改竄(かいざん-ka i za n) |
Falsification, Faking, Misrepresent, Manipulate |
改宗(かいしゅう-ka i shu u) |
Religious conversion |
改修(かいしゅう-ka i shu u) |
Repair, Improvement, Modification |
改春(かいしゅん-ka i shu n) |
New year |
改悛(かいしゅん-ka i shu n) |
Repentance, Contrition |
改称(かいしょう-ka i sho u) |
Renaming, Retitling |
改心(かいしん-ka i shi n) |
Correcting one’s conduct, To amend one’s conduct, To mend one’s ways |
改進(かいしん-ka i shi n) |
Bringing up to date, Progress |
改新(かいしん-ka i shi n) |
Renovation, Reformation |
改正(かいせい-ka i se i) |
Revision, Amendment, Alteration |
改姓(かいせい-ka i se i) |
Change of one’s family name |
改選(かいせん-ka i se n) |
Reelection |
改善(かいぜん-ka i ze n) |
Improvement, Betterment |
改組(かいそ-ka i so) |
Reorganization, Shakeup |
改装(かいそう-ka i so u) |
Redecoration, Renovation, Remodeling, Refurnishing |
改葬(かいそう-ka i so u) |
Reburial, Reinterment |
改造(かいぞう-ka i zo u) |
Remodeling, Reconstruction, Modification, Reorganization, Restructuring |
改題(かいだい-ka i da i) |
Change of title, Retitling, Changed title |
改築(かいちく-ka i chi ku) |
Rebuilding, Reconstruction |
改鋳(かいちゅう-ka i chu u) |
Recasting, Reminting, Recoinage, Debasing the coins |
改定(かいてい-ka i te i) |
Revision (of a rule, price etc), Alteration, Change |
改訂(かいてい-ka i te i) |
Revision (of text), Alteration, Modefication |
改廃(かいはい-ka i ha i) |
Revision and/or abolition, Alteration or repeal, Reorganization |
改版(かいはん-ka i ha n) |
Revised edition (of a publication), Revision |
改編(かいへん-ka i he n) |
Alteration, Revision, Reorganization |
改名(かいめい-ka i me i) |
Name change, Renaming |
改免 or 皆免(かいめん-ka i me n) |
Changing the tax rate depending on the condition of agricultural crops (in Edo era) |
改良(かいりょう-ka i ryo u) |
Improvement, Betterment, Refinement, Reform |
改暦(かいれき-ka i re ki) |
① Calendar reform, Adoption of a new calendar system, ② New calendar (for a new year), New year |
変改(へんかい-he n ka i) |
Change, Revision, Freshen up, Alteration, Modification |
朝令暮改(ちょうれいぼかい-cho u re i bo ka i) |
Inconsistent policy, An unsettled course of action, The law is not the same at morning and at night |