0175-Jouyou-kanji “会” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Meeting” or “Party” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “会”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “会” means “Association”, “Society” or “Gathering” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "会"

Jouyou Kanji “会”

Jouyou Kanji "会" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “会” Stroke Order

Stroke # 6 Strokes
On-Yomi かい(kai)
Kun-Yomi あ(う)(a(u))
Meanings Meet
Gather, Meeting, Gathering
Perceive, Understand

Kanji words which contain Kanji “会”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
会式(えしき-e shi ki) ① Buddhist memorial service, ② Memorial service for Nichiren
会釈(えしゃく-e sha ku) Salutation (greeting), Bow, Nod
会者定離(えしゃじょうり-e sha jo u ri) Those who meet must part (suggesting the transient nature of this life), We meet only to part
会得(えとく-e to ku) Understanding, Comprehension
会意(かいい-ka i i) ① Congeniality, Satisfaction, Gratification, ② Compound ideograph formation (one of the six kanji classifications), Making kanji up of meaningful parts (e.g. “mountain pass” is up + down + mountain)
会員(かいいん-ka i i n) Member, Membership, Affiliate
会館(かいかん-ka i ka n) Assembly hall, Meeting hall, Member building
会期(かいき-ka i ki) Session, Term
会議(かいぎ-ka i gi) Conference, Council, Meeting
会議室(かいぎしつ-ka i gi shi tsu) Conference room, Council room, Board room
会計(かいけい-ka i ke i) ① Account, Accountant, ② Cashier
会計年度(かいけいべんど-ka i ke i ne n do) Financial year, Fiscal year, Budget year
会稽の恥(かいけいのはじ-ka i ke i no ha ji) Humiliation of defeat in battle, Past humiliation by others, Shame of an unendurable disgrace
会見(かいけん-ka i ke n) Interview, Audience, Meeting, (Viewing) party
会合(かいごう-ka i go u) Meeting, Assembly, Gathering, Group meeting
会社(かいしゃ-ka i sha) Company, Corporation, Firm
会主(かいしゅ-ka i shu) Sponsor of a meeting
会衆(かいしゅう-ka i shu u) Audience, Congregation, Attendance
会所(かいしょ-ka i sho) Meeting place, Club
会商(かいしょう-ka i sho u) Negotiation, Talks
会場(かいじょう-ka i jo u) Site, Place, Meeting place
会食(かいしょく-ka i sho ku) Eating together, Dining together, Having a meal together
会心(かいしん-ka i shi n) Satisfaction, Gratification
会席(かいせき-ka i se ki) Meeting place, Seats for the public
会席料理(かいせきりょうり-ka i se ki ryo u ri) Set of dishes served on an individual tray for entertaining guests, Banquet, Banquet dishes
会戦(かいせん-ka i se n) Battle, Start fighting of a large number of armies
会葬(かいそう-ka i so u) Attendance at funeral
会則(かいそく-ka i so ku) Regulation of society, Club regulations
会談(かいだん-ka i da n) Conference, Talk, Consultation, Interview
会頭(かいとう-ka i to u) Society president
会同(かいどう-ka i do u) Assembly, Meeting, Gathering
会堂(かいどう-ka i do u) Large building for meetings, Public hall, Church, Chapel
会読(かいどく-ka i do ku) Reading-and-discussion meeting, Book discussion meeting
会費(かいひ-ka i hi) Membership fee, Membership dues
会報(かいほう-ka i ho u) Bulletin, Proceeding, Journal, Newsletter, Newssheet
会務(かいむ-ka i mu) Committee affairs, Meeting affairs
会名(かいめい-ka i me i) Name of an association, Name of a gathering
会盟(かいめい-ka i me i) A gathering of lords or their agents to make a treaty
会面(かいめん-ka i me n) Interview, Visitation, Meeting
会友(かいゆう-ka i yu u) Fellow member, Affiliate
会話(かいわ-ka i wa) Talking, Conversation, Chat
演説会(えんぜつかい-e n ze tsu ka i) Speech meeting, Assembly to hear a speech, Lecture-meeting
機会(きかい-ki ka i) Occasion, Chance, Opportunity
議会(ぎかい-gi ka i) Congress, Diet, Assembly, Parliament
教会(きょうかい-kyo u ka i) Church, House of God
国会(こっかい-ko kka i) Legislative assembly, Parliament, Congress, National Diet, Legislative assembly of Japan
再会(さいかい-sa i ka i) Meeting again, Reunion
散会(さんかい-sa n ka i) Adjournment
社会(しゃかい-sha ka i) Society, Community
集会(しゅうかい-shu u ka i) Meeting, Assembly, Gathering, Congregation, Convention
照会(しょうかい-sho u ka i) Inquiry, Query, Enquiry, Referral (e.g. to a doctor or court)
総会(そうかい-so u ka i) General meeting, General Assembly
都会(とかい-to ka i) Town, City
面会(めんかい-me n ka i) Meeting, Interview


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