0173-Jouyou-kanji “回” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Convolution” or “Gyrus” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “回”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “回” means “Frame”, “Rotation” or “Counter for occurrences” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "回"

Jouyou Kanji “回”

Jouyou Kanji "回" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “回” Stroke Order

Kanji words which contain Kanji “回”, and their meanings

Stroke # 6 Strokes
On-Yomi かい(kai)
Kun-Yomi まわ(す)(mawa(su))
Meanings Turn, Round, Spin
Return, Turn back
(Word for counting repeated motion)
Words Meanings
回向 or 廻向(えこう-e ko u) ① Memorial service, Prayers for the repose of the soul, ② To transfer the one’s own merit
回忌(かいき-ka i ki) ① Death anniversary, Anniversary of a person’s death, ② To hate and to avoid
回帰(かいき-ka i ki) Regression, Recurrence, Recursion
回帰線(かいきせん-ka i ki se n) Regression line
回帰熱(かいきねつ-ka i ki ne tsu) Recurrent fever, Relapsing fever
回帰年(かいきねん-ka i ki ne n) Tropical year, Solar year, Cutting cycle
回教(かいきょう-ka i kyo u) Islam, Muslimism
回顧(かいこ-ka i ko) Recollection, Retrospection, Recollecting, Reminiscing, Looking back
回航(かいこう-ka i ko u) ① Cruise, Sail, ② Navigation, Pilotage, Piloting, Taking a ship
回国 or 廻国(かいこく-ka i ko ku) Traveling throughout the country, Pilgrimage, Pilgrim’s journey
回収(かいしゅう-ka i shu u) Recovery, Salvage, Collection, Withdrawal, Retrieval
回春(かいしゅん-ka i shu n) ① Vernalization, Rejuvenation, ② Return of spring
回章 or 廻章(-ka i sho u) ① Circular, Circulating letter, ② Response letter, Reply letter
回状 or 廻状(かいじょう-ka i jo u) Circular, Circular letters, Chain letter
回診(かいしん-ka i shi n) Doctor’s rounds (in a hospital), Round of visits
回数券(かいすうけん-ka i su u ke n) Coupon tickets, Discount tickets, Book of tickets
回生(かいせい-ka i se i) ① Resurrection, Resuscitation, Coming back to life, ② Regeneration
回旋(かいせん-ka i se n) Rotation, Revolution, Convolution
回送 or 廻送(かいそう-ka i so u) Forwarding, Sending on, Redirecting (e.g. mail), Deadheading (e.g. train), (Train) returning to the station
回想(かいそう-ka i so u) Recollection, Retrospection, Reflection, Reminiscence
回漕(かいそう-ka i so u) Shipping, Transport by sea, Forwarding by sea, Carriage by sea
回虫(かいちゅう-ka i chu u) Roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), Mawworm, Intestinal worm
回天 or 廻天(かいてん-ka i te n) Changing the world, Turning the tide, Restoration
回天の事業 or 廻天の事業(かいてんのじぎょう-ka i te n no ji gyo u) To regain lost momentum, To completely change the current tides
回転 or 廻転(かいてん-ka i te n) Gyration, Revolution, Rotation, Spin, Turn
回答(かいとう-ka i to u) Reply, Answer
回読(かいどく-ka i do ku) Read in turn, Circulate a book (among friends)
回避(かいひ-ka i hi) Avoidance, Prevention
回付 or 廻附(かいふ-ka i fu) Sending documents, Transmitting a document
回復 or 恢復(かいふく-ka i fu ku) Restoration, Recovery, Rehabilitation
回文 or 廻文(かいぶん-ka i bu n) ① Palindrome, ② Circular (document), Circulating letter
回遊(かいゆう-ka i yu u) ① Excursion, Round trip, ② Seasonal migration (of fish etc)
回覧 or 廻覧(かいらん-ka i ra n) Circulation (esp. documents), Sending round
回礼(かいれい-ka i re i) Going from door to door greeting relatives and friends (esp. at New Year), Round of complimentary visits
回路(かいろ-ka i ro) (Electric) circuit
回廊 or 廻廊(かいろう-ka i ro u) Corridor, Gallery, Hallway, Cloister (i.e. covered walk typically circling a building or garden, esp. in a palace or place of worship)
回禄(かいろく-ka i ro ku) Fire, Conflagration, God of fire
回し者 or 廻し者(まわしもの-ma wa shi mo no) Spy, Secret agent, Undercover agent
回り合わせ(まわりあわせ-ma wa ri a wa se) (Turn of) fortune, Fate, Luck, Chance, Coincidence, Happenstance
回り灯篭(まわりどうろう-ma wa ri do u ro u) Revolving lantern
回り舞台(まわりぶたい-ma wa ri bu ta i) Revolving stage, Turning stage, Rotating stage
回り持ち(まわりもち-ma wa ri mo chi) Taking turns, In rotation
幾回(いくかい-i ku ka i) Many times, Several times
迂回(うかい-u ka i) Circuit, Detour, Roundabout way, By‐pass
今回(こんかい-ko n ka i) This time, Now
巡回(じゅんかい-ju n ka i) Going around, Patrol, Round, Tour
転回(てんかい-te n ka i) Revolution, Rotation, Turning
徘回 or 徘徊(はいかい-ha i ka i) Wandering (around), Roaming, Loitering, Prowling, Hanging around
挽回(ばんかい-ba n ka i) Recovery, Restoration, Retrieval
輪廻(りんね-ri n ne) Transmigration of the soul, Samsara (cycle of death and rebirth)


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