Japanese Jouyou-kanji “過” means “Failure”, “Superfluous” or “Wrongdoing” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
過雨(かう-ka u) |
Passing rain, Rain shower, Sudden shower |
過客(かかく-ka ka ku) |
Traveler, Tourist |
過雁(かがん-ka ga n) |
Flying goose |
過激(かげき-ka ge ki) |
Extreme, Violent, Radical, Strenuous (exercise, work etc), Excessive |
過言(かげん or かごん-ka ge n (or) ka go n) |
① Exaggeration, Overstatement, Saying too much, ② Misstatement, Slip of the tongue, Gaffe |
過去(かこ-ka ko) |
Past, Past times, Yesteryear |
過去帳(かこちょう-ka ko cho u) |
Family register of deaths, Death register |
過誤(かご-ka go) |
Mistake, Error, Fault |
過酷(かこく-ka ko ku) |
Harsh, Unmerciful, Merciless, Severity |
過失(かしつ-ka shi tsu) |
Fault, Mistake, Error, Negligence |
過日(かじつ-ka ji tsu) |
Past day, The other day, Some days ago |
過小(かしょう-ka sho u) |
Too small |
過少(かしょう-ka sho u) |
Too few, Too little, Insufficient |
過賞(かしょう-ka sho u) |
Excessive praise, Undeserved praise |
過剰(かじょう-ka jo u) |
Excess, Surplus, Superabundance, Overabundance |
過食(かしょく-ka sho ku) |
Overeating, Hyperphagia, Polyphagia, Polyphagy, Bulimia |
過信(かしん-ka shi n) |
Overconfidence, Trusting too much |
過多(かた-ka ta) |
Excess, superabundance, Too much, Surplus, Superabundance |
過大(かだい-ka da i) |
Excessive, Exaggerated, Overweening |
過重(かちょう or かじゅう-ka cho u (or) ka ju u) |
Deadweight, Too heavy (burden, workload etc), Excess weight, Overweight |
過程(かてい-ka te i) |
Process, Course, Mechanism |
過渡(かと-ka to) |
Transient, Transient state |
過度(かど-ka do) |
Too much, Excessive, Immoderate |
過当(かとう-ka to u) |
Excessive, Unreasonable, Inordinate, Undue |
過熱(かねつ-ka ne tsu) |
Superheating, Overheating |
過半(かはん-ka ha n) |
Majority, Greater part |
過半数(かはんすう-ka ha n su u) |
Majority, Absolute majority |
過般(かはん-ka ha n) |
Some time ago, Recently, The other day |
過敏(かびん-ka bi n) |
Sentience, Supersensitivity, Erethism |
過不及(かふきゅう-ka fu kyu u) |
Excess or deficiency |
過不足(かぶそく-ka bu so ku) |
Excess or deficiency, Too much or too little |
過分(かぶん-ka bu n) |
Unreasonable, Excessive, Inordinate, Undue |
過料(かりょう-ka ryo u) |
Administrative fine, Correctional fine, Nonpenal fine |
過労(かろう-ka ro u) |
Overwork, Over fatigue, Overstrain |
過ぎたるは及ばざるが如し(すぎたるはおよばざるがごとし-su gi ta ru wa o yo ba za ru ga go to shi) |
Too much is as bad as too little, Never too much of anything, More than enough is too much |
一過(いっか-i kka) |
Transient, Passing |
経過(けいか-ke i ka) |
Process, Course, Progress, Passing |
罪過(ざいか-za i ka) |
Offense, Fault, Sin, Law-breaking, Crime, Criminal offence |
小過(しょうか-sho u ka) |
Slight mistake |
大過(たいか-ta i ka) |
Serious error, Gross mistake, Serious blunder, Grave fault |
超過(ちょうか-cho u ka) |
Excess, Being more than, Overabundance, Surfeit |
通過(つうか-tsu u ka) |
Passage, Transit, Transfusion |