0153-Jouyou-kanji “過” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Surplus-” or “Excess-” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “過”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “過” means “Failure”, “Superfluous” or “Wrongdoing” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "過"

Jouyou Kanji “過”

Jouyou Kanji "過" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “過” Stroke Order

Stroke # 12 Strokes
On-Yomi か(ka)
Kun-Yomi す(ぎる)(su(giru))
Meanings Pass, Pass by
Spend, Get along
Go beyond, Go too far
Time passes
Error, Mistake, Fault

Kanji words which contain Kanji “過”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
過雨(かう-ka u) Passing rain, Rain shower, Sudden shower
過客(かかく-ka ka ku) Traveler, Tourist
過雁(かがん-ka ga n) Flying goose
過激(かげき-ka ge ki) Extreme, Violent, Radical, Strenuous (exercise, work etc), Excessive
過言(かげん or かごん-ka ge n (or) ka go n) ① Exaggeration, Overstatement, Saying too much, ② Misstatement, Slip of the tongue, Gaffe
過去(かこ-ka ko) Past, Past times, Yesteryear
過去帳(かこちょう-ka ko cho u) Family register of deaths, Death register
過誤(かご-ka go) Mistake, Error, Fault
過酷(かこく-ka ko ku) Harsh, Unmerciful, Merciless, Severity
過失(かしつ-ka shi tsu) Fault, Mistake, Error, Negligence
過日(かじつ-ka ji tsu) Past day, The other day, Some days ago
過小(かしょう-ka sho u) Too small
過少(かしょう-ka sho u) Too few, Too little, Insufficient
過賞(かしょう-ka sho u) Excessive praise, Undeserved praise
過剰(かじょう-ka jo u) Excess, Surplus, Superabundance, Overabundance
過食(かしょく-ka sho ku) Overeating, Hyperphagia, Polyphagia, Polyphagy, Bulimia
過信(かしん-ka shi n) Overconfidence, Trusting too much
過多(かた-ka ta) Excess, superabundance, Too much, Surplus, Superabundance
過大(かだい-ka da i) Excessive, Exaggerated, Overweening
過重(かちょう or かじゅう-ka cho u (or) ka ju u) Deadweight, Too heavy (burden, workload etc), Excess weight, Overweight
過程(かてい-ka te i) Process, Course, Mechanism
過渡(かと-ka to) Transient, Transient state
過度(かど-ka do) Too much, Excessive, Immoderate
過当(かとう-ka to u) Excessive, Unreasonable, Inordinate, Undue
過熱(かねつ-ka ne tsu) Superheating, Overheating
過半(かはん-ka ha n) Majority, Greater part
過半数(かはんすう-ka ha n su u) Majority, Absolute majority
過般(かはん-ka ha n) Some time ago, Recently, The other day
過敏(かびん-ka bi n) Sentience, Supersensitivity, Erethism
過不及(かふきゅう-ka fu kyu u) Excess or deficiency
過不足(かぶそく-ka bu so ku) Excess or deficiency, Too much or too little
過分(かぶん-ka bu n) Unreasonable, Excessive, Inordinate, Undue
過料(かりょう-ka ryo u) Administrative fine, Correctional fine, Nonpenal fine
過労(かろう-ka ro u) Overwork, Over fatigue, Overstrain
過ぎたるは及ばざるが如し(すぎたるはおよばざるがごとし-su gi ta ru wa o yo ba za ru ga go to shi) Too much is as bad as too little, Never too much of anything, More than enough is too much
一過(いっか-i kka) Transient, Passing
経過(けいか-ke i ka) Process, Course, Progress, Passing
罪過(ざいか-za i ka) Offense, Fault, Sin, Law-breaking, Crime, Criminal offence
小過(しょうか-sho u ka) Slight mistake
大過(たいか-ta i ka) Serious error, Gross mistake, Serious blunder, Grave fault
超過(ちょうか-cho u ka) Excess, Being more than, Overabundance, Surfeit
通過(つうか-tsu u ka) Passage, Transit, Transfusion


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