0138-Jouyou-kanji “花” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Flower” or “Blossom” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “花”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “花” means “Cherry blossom”, “Beauty” or “Glorious” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "花"

Jouyou Kanji “花”

Jouyou Kanji "花" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “花” Stroke Order

Stroke # 7 Strokes
On-Yomi か(ka)
Kun-Yomi はな(hana)
Meanings Flower
Beautiful like flowers
Bloom, Blossom
Be dimly, Be indistinctly
Cherry blossom, Plum blossom
Flowery things, Showy things, Popular things
Celebration, Congratulatory gift

Kanji words which contain Kanji “花”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
花陰(かいん or はなかげ-ka i n (or) ha na ka ge) Under the flowering tree, Shade of flowers
花影(かえい-ka e i) Flower shade of moonlight, shape of flower shade
花宴(かえん-ka e n) Feast, Banquet
花押(かおう-ka o u) Handwritten monogram, Written seal, Stylized signature
花魁(かかい-ka ka i) Plum flower (花魁 is another name for 梅(plum))
花魁(おいらん-o i ra n) High-class prostitute
花街(かがい or はなまち-ka ga i (or) ha na ma chi) Red-light district, Prostitution quarter, Geisha quarter
花客(かかく-ka ka ku) ① Cherry blossom viewer, Flower-viewing guest, ② Special customer, Frequent customer
花冠(かかん-ka ka n) ① Corolla (of flower), ② Crown decorated with flowers, Garland, Wreath
花間(かかん-ka ka n) Between the flowers
花翰(かかん-ka ka n) (Words for respecting someone’s letters)
花顔(かがん-ka ga n) Beautiful face like flower
花卉(かき-ka ki) Flower and ornamental plants, Ornamental plant
花期(かき-ka ki) Flower season
花器(かき-ka ki) Flower bowl, Flower vase
花形(かけい–ka ke i) ① Flower shape, ② Star, Star player
花形(はながた-ha na ga ta) ① Flower shape, ② Star, Star player
花茎(かけい-ka ke i) Stem of flower, Flower stalk, Scape
花月(かげつ-ka ge tsu) ① Flowers and the moon, ② Refined leisure, Elegant pastime
花崗岩(かこうがん-ka ko u ga n) Granite
花軸(かじく-ka ji ku) Rachis, Floral axis
花実(かじつ-ka ji tsu) ① Flowers and fruit, Blossom and fruit, ② Form and content, Appearance and substance
花序(かじょ-ka jo) Inflorescence
花燭 or 華燭(かしょく-ka sho ku) Wedding ceremony, Marriage
花心 or 花芯(かしん-ka shi n) cCenter of a flower, Pistils and stamens
花信(かしん-ka shi n) Tidings of flowers
花唇(かしん-ka shi n) ① Flower petal, ② Lips of beautiful woman
花壇(かだん-ka da n) Flower bed, Flower garden
花鳥(かちょう-ka cho u) Flower and bird, Elegance
花鳥風月(かちょうふうげつ-ka cho u fu u ge tsu) Beauties of nature, Traditional themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics
花鳥諷詠(かちょうふうえい-ka cho u fu u e i) The beauties of nature and the harmony that exists between it and man (as the key poetic theme of a haiku)
花道 or 華道(かどう-ka do u) Flower arrangement
花瓶(かびん-ka bi n) Flower-vase
花譜(かふ-ka fu) Flower album, Calendar of flowers
花粉(かふん-ka fu n) Pollen
花弁(かべん-ka be n) Petal
花圃(かほ-ka ho) Flower garden
花木(かぼく-ka bo ku) ① Flowers and trees, ② Flowering trees and shrubs
花紋(かもん-ka mo n) Flower design, Petaloid
花容(かよう-ka yo u) Beautiful appearance like a flower, Appearance of beautiful woman
花柳(かりゅう-ka ryu u) ① Flowers and willow, ② Red-light district, Geisha or prostitute
花合わせ(はなあわせ-ha na a wa se) ① Hana-awase (type of hanafuda game), ② Flower-comparing contest
花生け(はないけ-ha na i ke) Flower vase
花色(はないろ-ha na i ro) ① Flower color, ② Light indigo, Light blue
花笠(はながさ-ha na ga sa) Hanagasa; Conical hat adorned with flowers (used in Japanese traditional performing arts)
花筐(はながたみ-ha na ga ta mi) Flower basket
花鰹(はながつお-ha na ga tsu o) Dried bonito shavings
花骨牌(はながるた-ha na ga ru ta) Hanafuda; Japanese playing cards (12 suits of 4 cards, each suit representing a month indicated by a flower)
花曇り(はなぐもり-ha na gu mo ri) Hazy sky in the cherry‐blossom season
花茣蓙(はなござ-ha na go za) Rush mat with a floral or bulrush pattern
花言葉(はなことば-ha na ko to ba) Language of flowers, Flower language
花暦(はなごよみ-ha na go yo mi) Flower calendar, Floral calendar
花菖蒲(はなしょうぶ-ha na sho u bu) Japanese iris, Blue flag, Iris ensata
花相撲(はなずもう-ha na zu mo u) Tournament other than the six major tournaments (Sumo)
花園(はなぞの or かえん-ha na zo no (or) ka e n) Flower garden
花立て(はなたて-ha na ta te) Flower vase, Flower stand
花束(はなたば-ha na ta ba) Bouquet, Bunch of flowers
花便り(はなだより-ha na da yo ri) News about the cherry blossoms (from various parts of Japan)
花電車(はなでんしゃ-ha na de n sha) Decorated streetcar, Floral streetcar
花時(はなどき-ha na do ki) Cherry season, Cherry blossom season, Flowering season
花の宴(はなのえん-ha na no e n) Cherry blossom viewing drinking party
花の都(はなのみやこ-ha na no mi ya ko) City of Flowers (nickname for various cities, esp. Paris and Florence)
花火(はなび-ha na bi) Fireworks
花房(はなぶさ-ha na bu sa) Cluster, Flower cluster
花札(はなふだ-ha na fu da) Japanese playing cards, Hanafuda
花吹雪(はなふぶき-ha na fu bu ki) Shower of cherry blossoms, Cherry blossoms falling in the wind
花祭り(はなまつり-ha na ma tsu ri) Buddha’s birthday festival
花見(はなみ-ha na mi) Cherry‐blossom viewing
花婿(はなむこ-ha na mu ko) Bridegroom
花筵(はなむしろ-ha na mu shi ro) Figured mat, Mat with a floral or bulrush pattern
花結び(はなむすび-ha na mu su bi) Hanamusubi, Flower knots, Rosette
花文字(はなもじ-ha na mo ji) Capital letter, Ornamental initial, Fancy lette, Ornamental letter, Decorated initial
花も実もある(はなもみもある-ha na mo mi mo a ru) To have both the looks and the substance, To be both interesting and instructive
花守り(はなもり-ha na mo ri) Person who guards flowers (esp. cherry blossoms), Flower guard
花屋敷(はなやしき-ha na ya shi ki) Flower garden, Public flower garden
花嫁(はなよめ-ha na yo me) Bride
花より団子(はなよりだんご-ha na yo ri da n go) Function over aesthetics, Dumplings over flowers
花輪 or 花環(はなわ-ha na wa) Wreath, Garland
花を持たせる(はなをもたせる-ha na wo mo ta se ru) To let (someone) have the credit for, To let (someone) hold the flowers
生け花(いけばな-i ke ba na) ① Ikebana, Japanese art of flower arrangement, ② Fresh flower, Natural flower
桜花(おうか-o u ka) Cherry blossoms
女郎花(おみなえし-o mi na e shi) Golden lace, Patrinia scabiosifolia, Scabious patrinia, Yellow patrinia
開花(かいか-ka i ka) Anthesis, Flowering, Blooming
菊花(きくか or きっか-ki ku ka (or) ki kka) Chrysanthemum flower
香花(こうか-ko u ka) Fragrant flowers
香花 or 香華(こうけ or こうげ-ko u ke (or) ko u ge) Incense and flowers offered before the Buddhist altar
山茶花(さざんか-sa za n ka) Sasanqua, Camellia sasanqua
生花(せいか-se i ka) Fresh flower, Natural flower
桃花(とうか-to u ka) Peach blossom
晩花(ばんか-ba n ka) Late blooming flowers
火花(ひばな-hi ba na) Spark
百花(ひゃっか-hya kka) Varieties of flowers, Many flowers
名花(めいか-me i ka) ① Beautiful flower, ② Celebrated beauty, Beautiful woman


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